Mono Support User images for friends not shown at user profile 

Viewed 36346 time(s), 5 post(s), 7/29/2014 12:52:44 PM - by Zoomicon
7/29/2014 12:52:44 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

at the friend images show the unknown user one (btw, for users who don't have an image I've set the system to use identicon, but here it shows the unknown person image instead). If you click at the friends images there you'll see that some people (you're taken to their profile) do have image or have identicon, so in this page you should see the same icon

is it cached somewhere? Right clicking the images and selecting Properties I see their URL which does say something about cache

we had fixed some other issues with the icon cache per your suggestions:

and also are using identicon because of the following issue (apart from the fact it looks nicer than the unknown person image when you have multiple such images shown on a page):

7/31/2014 10:25:42 AM
2218 Reputation 300 Total posts


I went to the link you provided and the images seem to be OK. I see the same image. Please see attached.

You may have turned on the caching, so it takes some time for the cache to be reset.


8/22/2014 3:09:08 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

problem is at the friends tab: you see some dummy images for persons there but clicking on them you go to their profile and you see they DO have images in their accounts (some have identicons, some have gravatars).

note that I have set the site to use identicon so in no case that image should be shown here for users (but the real bug is that many of those users do have custom gravatars)

8/22/2014 3:12:08 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

btw, I'd expect the user names (not user ids) to be shown here under each friend image

also all those Connect buttons are a bit too much I think. Maybe when you click on the friend image instead it should offer option to visit their profile (to see who they are and maybe connect from there) or to connect directly without visiting their profile. That way you would be able to show the username where you now have Connect and wouldn't have all those Connect strings on the same page that make it look strange

btw, I suppose if I visit some friends profile from there I can press connect at their profile to make them friends

8/22/2014 3:14:20 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

another thing is that maybe it should show other string for 2-way relationship (e.g. "Connect") and other for 1-way (e.g. "Follow"). That is depending on what setting is at the website (I think you can select that option from web.config). Now the user has no hint if this is 1-way or 2-way connection (even better would be if the user could choose the type of connection, but at least the verb should be different to show the type of connection that will be done, or have some explanatory tooltip [only problem with tooltips is they don't show up on touch interfaces])

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