Mono Support Unable to create News Categories in Demo site (Zatvorena)

60764 put(a) pogledan, 6 odgovor(a), 13.7.2011. 1:57:46 - Kreirao(la) yousaid
13.7.2011. 1:57:46
206 Reputacija 36 Ukupno objava

This should be easy but for what its worth, it's not working. (disabled)
So the question is, is it Possible to ADD News categories to the Demo site?

Here is what I have done.
(a) Installed the Demo site. It works fine.
(2) Login as Admin.
(3) Click on "Go to Portal Administration Area"
(4) Now on the Portal Admin page, I click on "NEWS"
(5) Under News, I click on "News Category Administration".

The documentation says when you click on any item on the Left panel, it should open, But in my case, EVERYTHING on the right side is disabled. Looks like a permission issue, but then, I am logged in as admin. So what am I missing? I have even created a new user with admin rights, but same behavior.

Where do I add more News Categories or is it disabled in the Demo Site or Is custom coding is required?


13.7.2011. 8:04:04
3016 Reputacija 428 Ukupno objava


can you repeat those steps again(1-5) and see the attachment(news.png)? You did everything fine, but at the bottom of the NewsCategoryManager page is an Add button and by clicking on it you can add a new category. Please see the attach and let us know if it works fine.

Ivan Marusic

13.7.2011. 22:53:45
206 Reputacija 36 Ukupno objava

THANK you, that worked. !!
For some reason, that button is displayed at the very end right under the Task bar, so, it is not easily visible. Perhaps the CSS for the form may have to be modified to fit.
Looks you have to set your screen size extremely small for the page to fit and the button be visible.

NEXT Question:
How do I extend the category dropdown to display subcategories?

News and subcategory of Local or International?
Another good example will be.
Continent and subcategory of Countries.
THANKS again for your help

14.7.2011. 10:10:24
15993 Reputacija 2214 Ukupno objava


  can you please elaborate the "How do I extend the category dropdown to display subcategories?" ? Do you mean news category tree view or something else ?

We will test the CSS issue you have mentioned so it will be fixed in next release.


14.7.2011. 12:21:13
206 Reputacija 36 Ukupno objava

Thanks for your reply.
On the category dropdown question. Here is a scenario.
When posting an Article , from Category you select MONOX, then you select SOFTWARE development as a subcategory of Monox.
So your Category will look like this Monox >> Software.
If you want to use NEWS for example, you Select NEWS as the root category. Then You select European News as the subcategory etc.

Another good exaple will be using Cars.
You select MAKE >>> TOYOTA Then you select Model of CAMRY.
So yes, you can call it a TreeView, but essentially, Category and then a SubCategory.


14.7.2011. 15:39:44
15993 Reputacija 2214 Ukupno objava


MonoX News supports the subcategory scenario and to add a subcategory for one news category (MonoX -> Software development) you need to add the MonoX category as Ivan has described and then select the MonoX category from TreeView on the left side of the screen and click on the "Add" button which will allow you to add a subcategory for the selected category (in this case the "MonoX").

MonoX supports unlimited number of categories but you need to keep in mind the performance impact that you may occure if you add to many categories and subcategories.

Please take a look at the sample screen shot that illustrates the categories TreeView.

I hope that you have this in mind when you provided us with the examples.


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