Mono Support databases list empty (Closed)

Viewed 78442 time(s), 16 post(s), 3/27/2012 1:04:36 AM - by irbanjit
3/30/2012 9:49:29 AM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

This issue has been solved - the problem was once again caused by a local OS blocking the downloaded MonoX zip file. Unpacking the zip file without first unblocking it (right click on the zip file in the Windows explorer, Properties, and click on the "unblock" button) causes all sorts of strange issues - this was one of them.

3/27/2012 1:04:36 AM
40 Reputation 6 Total posts


I was installing MonoX, but when I get to point where I need to select a database, the list is empty, I can't type in the box and I cant go forward.

I checked the web config the connection string is correct. Any thoughts?


3/27/2012 2:35:52 AM
1871 Reputation 252 Total posts

The list will only show databases that exist..

Make sure you create the database using Microsoft management studio before you even get to the list.

If no databases exist then the list will be blank.

3/27/2012 7:57:30 AM
3016 Reputation 428 Total posts


As shawdg wrote, you need to create you database first and then install Monox. Also before you start your installation please note that your worker process should have write privileges to web.config, upload, applicationdata etc. folders.(You will be notified about it during the installation process)


3/27/2012 3:54:27 PM
40 Reputation 6 Total posts

the server I am connecting to has many database, and I also create a blank one for monoX but nothing shows. I even tried using the sa account, just to make sure if wasn't the permissions issue.

3/27/2012 4:14:05 PM
1871 Reputation 252 Total posts

Make sure your using the correct web config ?

Also this could be a permission issue.
Make sure the appid has the right permissions to the files..
Or you can just do the like me and make it .net app id user network user and then give them full permissions to the MonoX root.
Make sure they have web.config read and write set too.

Here are also multiple configs with MonoX, make sure you using the right one for your correct .net version..

Off the top of my head thats about all I can think of..
Maybe the MonoX staff can add to it if it dont help..

Hope it does though and good luck.

3/27/2012 4:47:44 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

This is a permission issue - for some reason your SQL server is either not found or not returning the list of databases due to insufficient privileges. I assume that the dropdown list is empty when you click on its arrow? Could you send a screenshot of a previous screen (the password will be hidden anyway)?

3/27/2012 4:57:07 PM
40 Reputation 6 Total posts

Everything is checked on the first screen. I tried using obrien\dev and obrien\staging server, but either way the list is always blank.


3/27/2012 5:07:30 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

Are you saying that you can use the sa account in the SQL Server management studio on your machine to successfuly connect to the target server? Any other application on your machine that is using the same SQL Server(s) with same credentials? The causes for this behavior could include wrong firewall settings, wrong password, SQL server misconfiguration (forbidden network access), etc.

3/27/2012 5:42:26 PM
1871 Reputation 252 Total posts

I seen some weird issues with handling connections across multiple server with other applications besides MonoX

But that have to do with bcp loading, and some other weird things like that..
which are often time permission issues in the end.

Is this server on the same local machine ?
Might I suggest disabling the firewall for a moment just to see if it solves the issue if so then you know where to look to resolve it.

Note, that the sql server itself could be causing you hell if its not setup correctly..
Allow remote access, etc.. all kinds of little things will cause hell..

My best advice is start little.
Connect with Microsoft Management studio first from the same machine as MonoX is installed on and go from there to resolve any issues directly related with basic authentication and permissions..

If this is working and MonoX is still not then you need to look at the permissions of MonoX
You also may have to dig down so far that your looking at the permissions of the IIS version you are running a well.
Depends on how locked down you are... IE office environments with crazy IT staff can be a night mirror from my experiences.

If your looking at a local dev machine then should be a whole lot easier to figure out.

3/27/2012 7:09:25 PM
40 Reputation 6 Total posts

I have many other apps that connect to that server from my local machine, blogEngine, yaf, etc. I have no problem connecting to the server and browsing the databases using management studio. As you can see in the image I can see the list of all available server on the domain, the only thing I don't see is the list of DBs. the website folder have full access to NetworkServices. IIS website is set up with .net 4.0 framwork Integrated pipleine mode.

What user does it use to query the list of databases?

Here is what's in my website folder.

Thanks for your time.


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