The BigInteger type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method BigInteger()()()()
Constructor (Default value for BigInteger is 0).
Public method BigInteger(array<Byte>[]()[][])

The lowest index of the input byte array (i.e [0]) should contain the most significant byte of the number, and the highest index should contain the least significant byte.

Public method BigInteger(Int64)
Constructor (Default value provided by long).
Public method BigInteger(array<UInt32>[]()[][])
Constructor (Default value provided by an array of unsigned integers)
Public method BigInteger(UInt64)
Constructor (Default value provided by ulong).
Public method BigInteger(BigInteger)
Constructor (Default value provided by BigInteger).
Public method BigInteger(array<Byte>[]()[][], Int32)
Constructor (Default value provided by an array of bytes of the specified length.)
Public method BigInteger(String, Int32)
Constructor (Default value provided by a string of digits of the specified base)


  Name Description
Public method abs
Returns the absolute value
Public method bitCount
Returns the position of the most significant bit in the BigInteger.
Public method Equals
Equals operator
(Overrides Object..::..Equals(Object).)
Public method FermatLittleTest
Probabilistic prime test based on Fermat's little theorem
Public method gcd
Gcd functionality
Public method genCoPrime
Generates a random number with the specified number of bits such that gcd(number, this) = 1
Public method Static member genPseudoPrime
Generates a positive BigInteger that is probably prime.
Public method genRandomBits
Populates "this" with the specified amount of random bits
Public method getBytes
Returns the value of the BigInteger as a byte array. The lowest index contains the MSB.
Public method GetHashCode
GetsHashCode implementation
(Overrides Object..::..GetHashCode()()()().)
Public method IntValue
Returns the lowest 4 bytes of the BigInteger as an int.
Public method isProbablePrime()()()()
Determines whether this BigInteger is probably prime using a combination of base 2 strong pseudoprime test and Lucas strong pseudoprime test.
Public method isProbablePrime(Int32)
Public method Static member Jacobi
Computes the Jacobi Symbol for a and b.
Public method LongValue
Returns the lowest 8 bytes of the BigInteger as an long.
Public method Static member LucasSequence
Returns the k_th number in the Lucas Sequence reduced modulo n.
Public method LucasStrongTest
Implementation of the Lucas Strong Pseudo Prime test.
Public method Static member Main
Entry point
Public method max
Max implementation
Public method min
Min implementation
Public method modInverse
Returns the modulo inverse of this. Throws ArithmeticException if the inverse does not exist. (i.e. gcd(this, modulus) != 1)
Public method modPow
Modulo Exponentiation
Public method Static member MulDivTest
Tests the correct implementation of the /, %, * and + operators
Public method Pow
Public method RabinMillerTest
Probabilistic prime test based on Rabin-Miller's
Public method root
Public method Static member RSATest
Tests the correct implementation of the modulo exponential function using RSA encryption and decryption (using pre-computed encryption and decryption keys).
Public method Static member RSATest2
Tests the correct implementation of the modulo exponential and inverse modulo functions using RSA encryption and decryption. The two pseudoprimes p and q are fixed, but the two RSA keys are generated for each round of testing.
Public method setBit
Sets the value of the specified bit to 1. The Least Significant Bit position is 0.
Public method SolovayStrassenTest
Probabilistic prime test based on Solovay-Strassen (Euler Criterion)
Public method sqrt
Returns a value that is equivalent to the integer square root of the BigInteger.
Public method Static member SqrtTest
Tests the correct implementation of sqrt() method.
Public method ToHexString
Returns a hex string showing the contains of the BigInteger
Public method ToString()()()()
Returns a string representing the BigInteger in base 10.
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)
Public method ToString(Int32)
Returns a string representing the BigInteger in sign-and-magnitude format in the specified radix.
Public method unsetBit
Sets the value of the specified bit to 0. The Least Significant Bit position is 0.


  Name Description
Public operator Static member Addition
Overloading of addition operator
Public operator Static member BitwiseAnd
Overloading of bitwise AND operator
Public operator Static member BitwiseOr
Overloading of bitwise OR operator
Public operator Static member Decrement
Overloading of the unary -- operator
Public operator Static member Division
Overloading of division operator
Public operator Static member Equality
Overloading of equality operator
Public operator Static member ExclusiveOr
Overloading of bitwise XOR operator
Public operator Static member GreaterThan
Overloading of inequality operator
Public operator Static member GreaterThanOrEqual
Overloading of inequality operator
Public operator Static member Implicit Widening Implicit Implicit Implicit (Int32 to BigInteger)
int ctor
Public operator Static member Implicit Widening Implicit Implicit Implicit (Int64 to BigInteger)
Overloading of the typecast operator. For BigInteger bi = 10;
Public operator Static member Implicit Widening Implicit Implicit Implicit (UInt32 to BigInteger)
uint ctor
Public operator Static member Implicit Widening Implicit Implicit Implicit (UInt64 to BigInteger)
ulong ctor
Public operator Static member Increment
Overloading of the unary ++ operator
Public operator Static member Inequality
Overloading of inequality operator
Public operator Static member LeftShift
Public operator Static member LessThan
Overloading of inequality operator
Public operator Static member LessThanOrEqual
Overloading of inequality operator
Public operator Static member Modulus
Overloading of modulus operator
Public operator Static member Multiply
Overloading of multiplication operator
Public operator Static member OnesComplement
Overloading of the NOT operator (1's complement)
Public operator Static member RightShift
Overloading of unary >> operators
Public operator Static member Subtraction
Overloading of subtraction operator
Public operator Static member UnaryNegation
Overloading of the NEGATE operator (2's complement)

Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type, TypeConverter) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type, Boolean) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type, TypeConverter, Boolean) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()() Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(TypeConverter) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetCurrentStackTrace
Gets current stack trace information.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetDebugInformation
Gets the debug information for currently executing code.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetExecutingMethodName
Gets the executing method name.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetPropertyType
Gets a property type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetPropertyValue
Gets a property or field value from the object (Dot notation enabled).
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method PropertyExists
Check if property exists.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method SetPropertyValue
Sets a property or field value to the object (Dot notation enabled).
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)


  Name Description
Public field dataLength
Number of actual chars used.
Public field Static member primesBelow2000
Provides a array of the primes smaller than 2000 to test the generated prime number.

See Also