The IGravatar type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CreateGravatarUrl
Create Gravatar URL.
Public method DataBind
Binds a data source to the invoked server control and all its child controls.
Public method DownloadGravatarImage
Download Gravatar image.
Public method GenerateGravatar
Creates an URL for the Gravatar that can be serverd from a local cache or from Gravatar service.


  Name Description
Public property CacheDuration
Gets or sets the cache timeout value in seconds.
Public property DefaultImageUrl
Default image if the service cannot find image for the user
Public property Email
User's email address
Public property ErrorImagePath
Path for the image that is returned if the service cannot retrieve the gravatar for the current user.
Public property GravatarCacheFolderName
Gets or sets the gravatar cache path.
Public property GravatarServiceTimeout
Timeout for the gravatar service in seconds.
Public property ID
Gets or sets the gravatar identifier.
Public property Rating
Gravatar rating
Public property RenderType
Gravatar type
Public property Size
An optional "size" parameter may follow that specifies the desired width and height of the gravatar. Valid values are from 1 to 80 inclusive. Any size other than 80 will cause the original gravatar image to be downsampled using bicubic resampling before output.
Public property UserName
User name

See Also