The IRelationshipRepository type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddRelatedItem<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Ads a related item to the relationship.
Public method ClearRelatedItems
Clears the collection of related items.
Public method ConstructSnEntityTypeFilter(Guid, Int32, RelationPredicateBucket)
Constructs an entity type filter for a given parent id and entity type.
Public method ConstructSnEntityTypeFilter(Int32, RelationPredicateBucket, array<Guid>[]()[][])
Constructs an entity type filter for a given parent id and entity type.
Public method ConstructSnEntityTypeFilter(Guid, Int32, RelationPredicateBucket, Boolean)
Constructs an entity type filter for a given parent id and entity type.
Public method ConstructSnEntityTypeRelations
Constructs the neccessary entity type relations that are used in subsequent filtering operations.
Public method ConstructSnEntityTypeUserFilter
Constructs an entity type filter for a given user id and entity type.
Public method CreateRelationship
Createsd a relationship entity.
Public method EnsureRelationshipExists(Guid, Int32)
Ensures that a relationship for a particular parent id and entity type exists in a relationships collection. Works directly with the database, use the other overload to work with in-memory entities.
Public method EnsureRelationshipExists(Guid, Int32, EntityCollection<(Of <<'(SnRelationshipEntity>)>>))
Ensures that a relationship for a particular parent id and entity type exists in a relationships collection. Used with in-memory entities that are already fetched from the database.
Public method GetChildItems(Int32, EntityCollection<(Of <<'(SnRelationshipEntity>)>>))
Retrieves a list of child items from in-memory relationships collection.
Public method GetChildItems<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Guid, Int32, Int32, SortExpression)
Retrieves a list of child items.
Public method GetChildItems<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Guid, Int32, Int32, SortExpression, Int32, Int32, Int32%)
Retrieves a list of child items, oveload that uses paging.
Public method IsRelationshipPresent
Determines if a relationship for a particular entity type is already present.
Public method ParseTags
Parses a tag string and constructs a tag collection for a given entity.

See Also