The UrlUtility type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member AddToUrlWithDuplicates
Adds the parameter with value to the url query, allowing for duplicate parameters.
Public method Static member FileExists
Files the exists.
Public method Static member GetHrefs
Returns all links from the page in the format <a href="..."></a>
Public method Static member GetMaskedUrls
Returns all "masked" URLs from the text in the full Url format http://... . Masking is used in various editors and textboxes so the user could limit which URLs are caught.
Public method Static member GetUrl<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Used for postbacks - returns a current page URL with a query string name and value appended to it.
Public method Static member GetUrlRewriterDefaultPage
Gets the default page for a particular URL rewriting rule name from Web.config.
Public method Static member GetUrlRewriterFormat
Gets the URL format for a particular URL rewriting rule name from Web.config.
Public method Static member GetUrls
Returns all URLs from the text in the full Url format. http://...
Public method Static member IsRewriteable
Used to check if the path is rewriteable - only aspx pages (or rewritten pages without extensions) should be rewritten.
Public method Static member ReloadCurrentPage()()()()
Reloads the current page by redirecting the response to the current URL.
Public method Static member ReloadCurrentPage(Boolean)
Reloads the current page by redirecting the response to the current URL.
Public method Static member ReloadCurrentPage(String)
Reloads the current page by redirecting the response to the current URL.
Public method Static member ReloadCurrentPage(Boolean, String)
Reloads the current page by redirecting the response to the current URL.
Public method Static member ReplaceTildas
Replaces tildas in the string with a AppDomainVirtualPath (localized). If a "~/" sequence is "masked" by placing "\" before it (if the author want to keep the original string), only the masking character is removed and the tilda is not removed.
Public method Static member ReplaceVirtualPaths
Replaces virtual paths back with tildas, for example when a document is to be saved in the database.
Public method Static member ResolveThemeUrl
Resolves URL for the "fileName" regarding the currently active theme. For example, ResolveThemeUrl("myfile.jpg") for the Default theme should return /SiteRoot/App_Themes/Default.myfile.jpg.
Public method Static member RewritePagePath(String)
Used for so-called "relative URL rewriting" where URL rewriting rules have a variable "{PageName}" which is replaced by the caller's page name using this method. The "~/" section at the beginning is replaced with the absolute path of the calling page, so each rule can function regardless of the page depth and location in the portal hierarchy. Current Request.Url is used as a calling URL.
Public method Static member RewritePagePath(String, Object)
Used for so-called "relative URL rewriting" where URL rewriting rules have a variable "{PageName}" which is replaced by the caller's page name using this method. The "~/" section at the beginning is replaced with the absolute path of the calling page, so each rule can function regardless of the page depth and location in the portal hierarchy. FormatSource object is used to perform subsequent formatting of the rewritten URL.
Public method Static member RewritePagePath(String, String)
Used for so-called "relative URL rewriting" where URL rewriting rules have a variable "{PageName}" which is replaced by the caller's page name using this method. The "~/" section at the beginning is replaced with the absolute path of the calling page, so each rule can function regardless of the page depth and location in the portal hierarchy. Caller URL is passed as a parameter.
Public method Static member RewritePagePath(String, String, Object)
Used for so-called "relative URL rewriting" where URL rewriting rules have a variable "{PageName}" which is replaced by the caller's page name using this method. The "~/" section at the beginning is replaced with the absolute path of the calling page, so each rule can function regardless of the page depth and location in the portal hierarchy.
Public method Static member RewritePagePathAndRetainQueryParameters(String)
Used for so-called "relative URL rewriting" where URL rewriting rules have a variable "{PageName}" which is replaced by the caller's page name using this method. The "~/" section at the beginning is replaced with the absolute path of the calling page, so each rule can function regardless of the page depth and location in the portal hierarchy. Current Request.Url is used as a calling URL. Query parameters from the current page are transferred to the rewritten path, but are copied in "raw" fashion in the query string and are not rewritten. Often used in "subcontainer" controls where URL should point to another rewritten URL, but all present parameters should be retained for parent container.
Public method Static member RewritePagePathAndRetainQueryParameters(String, String)
Used for so-called "relative URL rewriting" where URL rewriting rules have a variable "{PageName}" which is replaced by the caller's page name using this method. The "~/" section at the beginning is replaced with the absolute path of the calling page, so each rule can function regardless of the page depth and location in the portal hierarchy. Current Request.Url is used as a calling URL. Query parameters from the current page are transferred to the rewritten path, but are copied in "raw" fashion in the query string and are not rewritten. Often used in "subcontainer" controls where URL should point to another rewritten URL, but all present parameters should be retained for parent container.
Public method Static member RewritePagePathAndRetainQueryParameters(String, String, Object)
Used for so-called "relative URL rewriting" where URL rewriting rules have a variable "{PageName}" which is replaced by the caller's page name using this method. The "~/" section at the beginning is replaced with the absolute path of the calling page, so each rule can function regardless of the page depth and location in the portal hierarchy. Current Request.Url is used as a calling URL. Query parameters from the current page are transferred to the rewritten path, but are copied in "raw" fashion in the query string and are not rewritten. Often used in "subcontainer" controls where URL should point to another rewritten URL, but all present parameters should be retained for parent container.

See Also