The BaseGridEditPage type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public field Static member CancelCommand
Signals Edit page that Cancel button is pressed .
Protected field ClickedCloseTelerikWindow
ClickedCloseTelerikWindow javascript used for closing the data manipulation page
Protected field EditToGridCallBackFunction
EditToGridCallBackFunction javascript used to execute callback on data preview page, and pass back result parameters.
Public field Static member EntityState
Is entity in Edit or Insert mode?
Protected field IsDialogWindowMaximized
Set IsDialogWindowMaximized to true if you want data manipulation page to be in full window size.
Protected field MaximizeTelerikWindow
MaximizeTelerikWindow javascript used to maximize data manipulation page
Public field Static member RebindCommand
Signals Grid form that rebind is needed.
Public field Static member RowClickCommand
Signals Grid page that Grid Row is Clicked .

See Also