The DualListBox type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field addImg
addImg control.
Protected field labLeftFooterText
labLeftFooterText control.
Protected field labLeftHeaderText
labLeftHeaderText control.
Protected field labMaxErrorMessage
labMaxErrorMessage control.
Protected field labMinErrorMessage
labMinErrorMessage control.
Protected field labMinItemsRequired
labMinItemsRequired control.
Protected field labRightFooterText
labRightFooterText control.
Protected field labRightHeaderText
labRightHeaderText control.
Protected field lbLeft
lbLeft control.
Protected field lbRight
lbRight control.
Protected field removeImg
removeImg control.
Protected field reorderLeftDown
reorderLeftDown control.
Protected field reorderLeftUp
reorderLeftUp control.
Protected field reorderRightDown
reorderRightDown control.
Protected field reorderRightUp
reorderRightUp control.
Protected field rowLeftReorder
rowLeftReorder control.
Protected field rowRightReorder
rowRightReorder control.

See Also