The BlogComments type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field btnSave
btnSave control.
Protected field chkNotify
chkNotify control.
Protected field ctlCommentsList
ctlCommentsList control.
Protected field lblComment
lblComment control.
Protected field lblEmail
lblEmail control.
Protected field lblName
lblName control.
Protected field lblNotify
lblNotify control.
Protected field lblUrl
lblUrl control.
Protected field pnlContainer
pnlContainer control.
Protected field pnlForm
pnlForm control.
Protected field regexEmail
regexEmail control.
Protected field regexUrl
regexUrl control.
Protected field rfvComment
rfvComment control.
Protected field rfvEmail
rfvEmail control.
Protected field rfvName
rfvName control.
Protected field rowEmail
rowEmail control.
Protected field summary
summary control.
Protected field txtComment
txtComment control.
Protected field txtEmail
txtEmail control.
Protected field txtName
txtName control.
Protected field txtUrl
txtUrl control.
Protected field validationHandler
validationHandler control.

See Also