The BlogPostEdit type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field blogManageCategories
blogManageCategories control.
Protected field btnCancel
btnCancel control.
Protected field btnSave
btnSave control.
Protected field chkCategories
chkCategories control.
Protected field chkIsCommentAllowed
chkIsCommentAllowed control.
Protected field chkIsPublished
chkIsPublished control.
Protected field chkRoles
chkRoles control.
Protected field ctlFileGallery
ctlFileGallery control.
Protected field ctlUpload
ctlUpload control.
Protected field labMessage
labMessage control.
Protected field lblAttachments
lblAttachments control.
Protected field lblCategories
lblCategories control.
Protected field lblContent
lblContent control.
Protected field lblDatePublished
lblDatePublished control.
Protected field lblDescription
lblDescription control.
Protected field lblIsCommentAllowed
lblIsCommentAllowed control.
Protected field lblIsPublished
lblIsPublished control.
Protected field lblRoles
lblRoles control.
Protected field lblTitle
lblTitle control.
Protected field lnkCategories
lnkCategories control.
Protected field plhActions
plhActions control.
Protected field plhBlogAttachments
plhBlogAttachments control.
Protected field pnlCategories
pnlCategories control.
Protected field pnlCategoriesEdit
pnlCategoriesEdit control.
Protected field pnlContainer
pnlContainer control.
Protected field pnlRoles
pnlRoles control.
Protected field pnlUpdateCategories
pnlUpdateCategories control.
Protected field radContent
radContent control.
Protected field requiredTitle
requiredTitle control.
Protected field scriptManagerProxy
scriptManagerProxy control.
Protected field summary
summary control.
Protected field tags
tags control.
Protected field txtDatePublished
txtDatePublished control.
Protected field txtDescription
txtDescription control.
Protected field txtTitle
txtTitle control.
Protected field validationHandler
validationHandler control.

See Also