The EditProfile type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field AboutMySelf
AboutMySelf control.
Protected field Address
Address control.
Protected field BirthDate
BirthDate control.
Protected field City
City control.
Protected field ConfirmPassword
ConfirmPassword control.
Protected field Country
Country control.
Protected field ddlTimeZone
ddlTimeZone control.
Protected field Email
Email control.
Protected field FirstName
FirstName control.
Protected field labFirstName
labFirstName control.
Protected field labLastName
labLastName control.
Protected field labNoUser
labNoUser control.
Protected field LastName
LastName control.
Protected field lblAboutMySelf
lblAboutMySelf control.
Protected field lblAddress
lblAddress control.
Protected field lblBirthDate
lblBirthDate control.
Protected field lblCity
lblCity control.
Protected field lblConfirmPassword
lblConfirmPassword control.
Protected field lblCountry
lblCountry control.
Protected field lblEmail
lblEmail control.
Protected field lblInfo
lblInfo control.
Protected field lblPassword
lblPassword control.
Protected field lblTimeZone
lblTimeZone control.
Protected field lblTitle
lblTitle control.
Protected field lblWebSites
lblWebSites control.
Protected field lblZipCode
lblZipCode control.
Protected field mainContainer
mainContainer control.
Protected field noUserContainer
noUserContainer control.
Protected field panAboutMySelfPrivacyEditor
panAboutMySelfPrivacyEditor control.
Protected field panAddressPrivacyEditor
panAddressPrivacyEditor control.
Protected field panBirthDayPrivacyEditor
panBirthDayPrivacyEditor control.
Protected field panCityPrivacyEditor
panCityPrivacyEditor control.
Protected field panCountryPrivacyEditor
panCountryPrivacyEditor control.
Protected field panEmailPrivacyEditor
panEmailPrivacyEditor control.
Protected field panFristNamePrivacyEditor
panFristNamePrivacyEditor control.
Protected field panLastNamePrivacyEditor
panLastNamePrivacyEditor control.
Protected field panTimeZonePrivacyEditor
panTimeZonePrivacyEditor control.
Protected field panWebSitesPrivacyEditor
panWebSitesPrivacyEditor control.
Protected field panZipCodePrivacyEditor
panZipCodePrivacyEditor control.
Protected field Password
Password control.
Protected field PasswordCompare
PasswordCompare control.
Protected field PasswordLength
PasswordLength control.
Protected field prevAboutMySelf
prevAboutMySelf control.
Protected field prevAddress
prevAddress control.
Protected field prevBirthDate
prevBirthDate control.
Protected field prevCity
prevCity control.
Protected field prevCountry
prevCountry control.
Protected field prevEMail
prevEMail control.
Protected field prevTimeZone
prevTimeZone control.
Protected field prevWebSites
prevWebSites control.
Protected field prevZipCode
prevZipCode control.
Protected field privacyManager
privacyManager control.
Protected field regexEmail
regexEmail control.
Protected field reqFirstName
reqFirstName control.
Protected field reqLastName
reqLastName control.
Protected field rowAboutMySelf
rowAboutMySelf control.
Protected field rowAddress
rowAddress control.
Protected field rowBirthDate
rowBirthDate control.
Protected field rowCity
rowCity control.
Protected field rowConfirmPass
rowConfirmPass control.
Protected field rowCountry
rowCountry control.
Protected field rowEMail
rowEMail control.
Protected field rowFirstName
rowFirstName control.
Protected field rowInfo
rowInfo control.
Protected field rowLastName
rowLastName control.
Protected field rowPass
rowPass control.
Protected field rowTimeZone
rowTimeZone control.
Protected field rowTitle
rowTitle control.
Protected field rowValidation
rowValidation control.
Protected field rowWebSites
rowWebSites control.
Protected field rowZipCode
rowZipCode control.
Protected field rptProfile
rptProfile control.
Protected field validationHandler
validationHandler control.
Protected field valSum
valSum control.
Protected field WebSites
WebSites control.
Protected field ZipCode
ZipCode control.

See Also