The EventEditor type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field btnCancel
btnCancel control.
Protected field btnSave
btnSave control.
Protected field chkAllDay
chkAllDay control.
Protected field dateFrom
dateFrom control.
Protected field dateTo
dateTo control.
Protected field Div1
Div1 control.
Protected field lblTitle
lblTitle control.
Protected field pnlDateTo
pnlDateTo control.
Protected field prevDescription
prevDescription control.
Protected field prevPlace
prevPlace control.
Protected field prevTitle
prevTitle control.
Protected field txtDescription
txtDescription control.
Protected field txtPlace
txtPlace control.
Protected field txtTitle
txtTitle control.
Protected field upCaptcha
upCaptcha control.
Protected field validationHandler
validationHandler control.
Protected field validationSummary
validationSummary control.
Protected field vldCompareRange
vldCompareRange control.
Protected field vldRequiredDateFrom
vldRequiredDateFrom control.
Protected field vldRequiredDateTo
vldRequiredDateTo control.
Protected field vldRequiredSubject
vldRequiredSubject control.

See Also