The EventModule type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field btnNewEvent
btnNewEvent control.
Protected field btnNewSimpleMode
btnNewSimpleMode control.
Protected field btnRefresh
btnRefresh control.
Protected field calEvent
calEvent control.
Protected field ctlEventEditor
ctlEventEditor control.
Protected field ctlSimpleView
ctlSimpleView control.
Protected field fldRefreshParams
fldRefreshParams control.
Protected field plhAddNewEvent
plhAddNewEvent control.
Protected field plhEventEditor
plhEventEditor control.
Protected field plhNoCalendar
plhNoCalendar control.
Protected field plhSchedule
plhSchedule control.
Protected field plhSimpleView
plhSimpleView control.
Protected field rttEventDetails
rttEventDetails control.
Protected field schEvent
schEvent control.
Protected field upEventModule
upEventModule control.

See Also