The PasswordRecovery type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field btnChange
btnChange control.
Protected field btnSend
btnSend control.
Protected field captchaModule
captchaModule control.
Protected field Div1
Div1 control.
Protected field Img1
Img1 control.
Protected field labMessage
labMessage control.
Protected field labMessageChange
labMessageChange control.
Protected field panChange
panChange control.
Protected field panRequest
panRequest control.
Protected field plhPasswordForm
plhPasswordForm control.
Protected field txtPassword
txtPassword control.
Protected field txtRepeatPassword
txtRepeatPassword control.
Protected field txtUserName
txtUserName control.
Protected field validationHandler
validationHandler control.
Protected field validationSummary
validationSummary control.
Protected field validationSummaryChange
validationSummaryChange control.
Protected field vldCompareRepeatPassword
vldCompareRepeatPassword control.
Protected field vldRequiredPassword
vldRequiredPassword control.
Protected field vldRequiredRepeatPassword
vldRequiredRepeatPassword control.
Protected field vldRequiredUserName
vldRequiredUserName control.

See Also