The DiscussionBoard type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field btnCancelNewBoard
btnCancelNewBoard control.
Protected field btnNewBoard
btnNewBoard control.
Protected field btnSaveNewBoard
btnSaveNewBoard control.
Protected field chkRoles
chkRoles control.
Protected field chkSubscribe
chkSubscribe control.
Protected field ddlEditors
ddlEditors control.
Protected field labRoles
labRoles control.
Protected field labSubscribe
labSubscribe control.
Protected field lblBoardDescription
lblBoardDescription control.
Protected field lblBoardName
lblBoardName control.
Protected field lblEditors
lblEditors control.
Protected field lnkLastActiveTopics
lnkLastActiveTopics control.
Protected field lnkMyTopics
lnkMyTopics control.
Protected field lvDB
lvDB control.
Protected field pager
pager control.
Protected field plhNewBoard
plhNewBoard control.
Protected field radBoardDescription
radBoardDescription control.
Protected field rowAutoSubscribe
rowAutoSubscribe control.
Protected field rowRoles
rowRoles control.
Protected field summary
summary control.
Protected field txtBoardDescription
txtBoardDescription control.
Protected field txtBoardName
txtBoardName control.
Protected field upNewBoard
upNewBoard control.
Protected field upTop
upTop control.
Protected field validationHandler
validationHandler control.
Protected field vldRequiredBoardName
vldRequiredBoardName control.

See Also