The FileView type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field btnSave
btnSave control.
Protected field ctlComments
ctlComments control.
Protected field ctlVideoPlayer
ctlVideoPlayer control.
Protected field imgFile
imgFile control.
Protected field labTitle
labTitle control.
Protected field lnkComments
lnkComments control.
Protected field lnkDelete
lnkDelete control.
Protected field lnkFile
lnkFile control.
Protected field ltlDate
ltlDate control.
Protected field ltlDescription
ltlDescription control.
Protected field ltlTags
ltlTags control.
Protected field panTags
panTags control.
Protected field plhComments
plhComments control.
Protected field plhTags
plhTags control.
Protected field pnlContainer
pnlContainer control.
Protected field pnlDescription
pnlDescription control.
Protected field pnlDescriptionLiteral
pnlDescriptionLiteral control.
Protected field privacyEditor
privacyEditor control.
Protected field radReplaceFile
radReplaceFile control.
Protected field radUpload
radUpload control.
Protected field relatedContent
relatedContent control.
Protected field scriptManagerProxy
scriptManagerProxy control.
Protected field tags
tags control.
Protected field txtDescription
txtDescription control.
Protected field txtName
txtName control.

See Also