The FriendSuggestionsList type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public field Static member AddFriendCommand
Add friend command.
Protected field btnCancelRequest
btnCancelRequest control.
Protected field btnSearchPeople
btnSearchPeople control.
Protected field btnSendRequest
btnSendRequest control.
Public field Static member FriendSuggestionsListCacheKey
Friend suggestion list cache key.
Protected field lblEmpty
lblEmpty control.
Protected field lblPersonalMessage
lblPersonalMessage control.
Protected field lblStatusMessage
lblStatusMessage control.
Protected field lvItems
lvItems control.
Protected field pager
pager control.
Protected field plhFriendSuggestions
plhFriendSuggestions control.
Protected field plhSendMessage
plhSendMessage control.
Protected field pnlContainer
pnlContainer control.
Protected field pnlSearchBox
pnlSearchBox control.
Protected field txtRequestMessage
txtRequestMessage control.
Protected field txtSearch
txtSearch control.
Protected field txtweSearch
txtweSearch control.
Protected field upFriendList
upFriendList control.

See Also