The GroupInfo type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field imgLogo
imgLogo control.
Protected field lblCategory
lblCategory control.
Protected field lblDescription
lblDescription control.
Protected field lblName
lblName control.
Protected field lblPrivacy
lblPrivacy control.
Protected field lnkCategory
lnkCategory control.
Protected field lnkDelete
lnkDelete control.
Protected field lnkEdit
lnkEdit control.
Protected field lnkLeave
lnkLeave control.
Protected field ltlDescription
ltlDescription control.
Protected field ltlName
ltlName control.
Protected field ltlPrivacy
ltlPrivacy control.
Protected field ltlRequestWaiting
ltlRequestWaiting control.
Protected field pnlAdmin
pnlAdmin control.
Protected field pnlContainer
pnlContainer control.
Protected field pnlLeave
pnlLeave control.

See Also