The MessageCreate type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field btnCancel
btnCancel control.
Protected field btnGroup
btnGroup control.
Protected field btnSend
btnSend control.
Protected field chkSendMail
chkSendMail control.
Protected field ctlFileGallery
ctlFileGallery control.
Protected field ctlUpload
ctlUpload control.
Protected field ddlRecipients
ddlRecipients control.
Protected field lblMessage
lblMessage control.
Protected field lblRecipients
lblRecipients control.
Protected field lblSubject
lblSubject control.
Protected field lblUpload
lblUpload control.
Protected field lblWarning
lblWarning control.
Protected field plhRecipients
plhRecipients control.
Protected field plhSendMail
plhSendMail control.
Protected field pnlContainer
pnlContainer control.
Protected field pnlUpload
pnlUpload control.
Protected field requiredSubject
requiredSubject control.
Protected field summary
summary control.
Protected field txtHTMLMessage
txtHTMLMessage control.
Protected field txtMessage
txtMessage control.
Protected field txtSubject
txtSubject control.
Protected field validationHandler
validationHandler control.
Protected field windowDialog
windowDialog control.

See Also