The PhotoListView type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field _rssChannel
Protected field comments
comments control.
Protected field labAlbumName
labAlbumName control.
Protected field labComments
labComments control.
Protected field lblNoData
lblNoData control.
Protected field lnkAddMore
lnkAddMore control.
Protected field lnkBack
lnkBack control.
Protected field lnkOrganize
lnkOrganize control.
Protected field lvItems
lvItems control.
Protected field pager
pager control.
Protected field panOrganize
panOrganize control.
Protected field panTellAFriend
panTellAFriend control.
Protected field pnlContainer
pnlContainer control.
Protected field rowGallery
rowGallery control.
Protected field scriptManagerProxy
scriptManagerProxy control.

See Also