Fetches the fields passed in fieldCollectionToFetch from the persistent storage using the relations and filter information stored in filterBucket into the DataTable object passed in. Use this routine to fill a typed list object. Doesn't apply any sorting, doesn't limit the resultset on the amount of rows to return. For TypedView filling, use the method FetchTypedView().

Namespace: MonoSoftware.LLBLGen
Assembly: MonoSoftware.LLBLGen (in MonoSoftware.LLBLGen.dll) Version: (


void FetchTypedList(
	IEntityFields2 fieldCollectionToFetch,
	DataTable dataTableToFill,
	IRelationPredicateBucket filterBucket,
	bool allowDuplicates
Visual Basic
Sub FetchTypedList ( 
	fieldCollectionToFetch As IEntityFields2,
	dataTableToFill As DataTable,
	filterBucket As IRelationPredicateBucket,
	allowDuplicates As Boolean
Visual C++
void FetchTypedList(
	IEntityFields2^ fieldCollectionToFetch, 
	DataTable^ dataTableToFill, 
	IRelationPredicateBucket^ filterBucket, 
	bool allowDuplicates
abstract FetchTypedList : 
        fieldCollectionToFetch : IEntityFields2 * 
        dataTableToFill : DataTable * 
        filterBucket : IRelationPredicateBucket * 
        allowDuplicates : bool -> unit 


Type: IEntityFields2
IEntityField2 collection which contains the fields to fetch into the datatable. The fields inside this object are used to construct the selection resultset.
Type: System.Data..::..DataTable
The datatable object to fill with the data for the fields in fieldCollectionToFetch
Type: IRelationPredicateBucket
filter information (relations and predicate expressions) for retrieving the data. Use the TypedList's method GetRelationInfo() to retrieve this bucket.
Type: System..::..Boolean
When true, it will not filter out duplicate rows, otherwise it will DISTINCT duplicate rows.

See Also