Executes the expression defined with the field in the fields collection specified, using the various elements defined. The expression is executed as a scalar query and a single value is returned.

Namespace: MonoSoftware.LLBLGen
Assembly: MonoSoftware.LLBLGen (in MonoSoftware.LLBLGen.dll) Version: (


Object GetScalar(
	IEntityFields2 fields,
	IPredicate filter,
	IGroupByCollection groupByClause
Visual Basic
Function GetScalar ( 
	fields As IEntityFields2,
	filter As IPredicate,
	groupByClause As IGroupByCollection
) As Object
Visual C++
Object^ GetScalar(
	IEntityFields2^ fields, 
	IPredicate^ filter, 
	IGroupByCollection^ groupByClause
abstract GetScalar : 
        fields : IEntityFields2 * 
        filter : IPredicate * 
        groupByClause : IGroupByCollection -> Object 


Type: IEntityFields2
IEntityFields2 instance with a single field with an expression defined and eventually aggregates
Type: IPredicate
filter to use
Type: IGroupByCollection
The list of fields to group by on. When not specified or an empty collection is specified, no group by clause is added to the query. A check is performed for each field in the selectList. If a field in the selectList is not present in the groupByClause collection, an exception is thrown.

Return Value

Type: Object
the value which is the result of the expression defined on the specified field

See Also