Retrieves a localization "subfolder" VALUE (part of the path that referes to the currently active language) from either URL, HttpContext or CurrentThread, depending on a end-user scenario. Values stored in the URL have priority over the values stored in HttpContext. If a custom localization scheme is used, developer has to manually set the CurentThread.CurrentCulture in BasePage.InitializeCulture.

Namespace: MonoSoftware.MonoX.Localization
Assembly: MonoX (in MonoX.dll) Version: (


string GetLocalizationCultureName()
Visual Basic
Function GetLocalizationCultureName As String
Visual C++
String^ GetLocalizationCultureName()
abstract GetLocalizationCultureName : unit -> string 

Return Value

Type: String
Localization subfolder value in the form of "en-US".

See Also