The BaseHttpApplication type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method Application_AcquireRequestState
Fired when the ASP.NET page framework gets the current state (Session state) related to the current request.
Protected method Application_AuthenticateRequest
Fired when the security module has established the current user's identity as valid. At this point, the user's credentials have been validated.
Protected method Application_AuthorizeRequest
Fired when the security module has verified that a user can access resources.
Protected method Application_BeginRequest
This event is used when a client makes a request to any page in the application. It can be useful for redirecting or validating a page request.
Protected method Application_Disposed
This method is invoked before destroying an instance of an application.
Protected method Application_End
Application end event.
Protected method Application_EndRequest
After a request for a page has been made, this is the last event that is called.
Protected method Application_Error
Application error event.
Protected method Application_Init
Fired when an application initializes or is first called. It's invoked for all HttpApplication object instances.
Protected method Application_PostRequestHandlerExecute
Fired when the ASP.NET page framework is finished executing an event handler.
Protected method Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute
This event occurs just before ASP.Net begins executing a handler such as a page or a web service. At this point, the session state is available.
Protected method Application_PreSendContent
Fired before the ASP.NET page framework sends content to a requesting client (browser).
Protected method Application_PreSendRequestHeaders
Fired before the ASP.NET page framework sends HTTP headers to a requesting client (browser).
Protected method Application_ReleaseRequestState
Fired when the ASP.NET page framework completes execution of all event handlers. This results in all state modules to save their current state data.
Protected method Application_ResolveRequestCache
Fired when the ASP.NET page framework completes an authorization request. It allows caching modules to serve the request from the cache, thus bypassing handler execution.
Protected method Application_Start
As with traditional ASP, used to set up an application environment and only called when the application first starts.
Protected method Application_UpdateRequestCache
Fired when the ASP.NET page framework completes handler execution to allow caching modules to store responses to be used to handle subsequent requests. Fired when the ASP.NET page framework is finished executing an event handler.
Protected method CreateKernel
Creates a global MonoX Ninject kernel instance.
Public method Init
Executes custom initialization code after all event handler modules have been added.
(Overrides HttpApplication..::..Init()()()().)
Protected method OnNinjectModuleSettingsInitialization
Raised when ninject module settings are initialized.
Protected method Session_End
Fired when a user's session times out, ends, or they leave the application Web site.
Protected method Session_Start
Fired when a new user visits the application Web site.

Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type, TypeConverter) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type, Boolean) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type, TypeConverter, Boolean) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()() Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(TypeConverter) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetCurrentStackTrace
Gets current stack trace information.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetDebugInformation
Gets the debug information for currently executing code.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetExecutingMethodName
Gets the executing method name.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetPropertyType
Gets a property type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetPropertyValue
Gets a property or field value from the object (Dot notation enabled).
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method PropertyExists
Check if property exists.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method SetPropertyValue
Sets a property or field value to the object (Dot notation enabled).
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)

See Also