
  Class Description
Public class ActionData
Action data class.
Public class ActionFieldData
Action field data class.
Public class AdapterBeforeFetchEventArgs
Adapter before fetch event argument.
Public class AuditInfoCollection<(Of <(<'TAuditInfoEntity>)>)>
Audit information collection.
Public class DalInfo
Public class EnhancedExcludeFieldsList
LLBLGen's default ExcludeFieldsList behavior is that you can't exclude foreign key fields from SELECT query, even if you don't need them. Use this class to force the exclusion of the foreign key fields passed in the fields argument.
Public class EnhancedIncludeFieldsList
LLBLGen's default IncludeFieldsList behavior is that foreign key fields from SELECT query will always be included, even if you don't need them and have not passed them in the fields argument. Use this class to force the exclusion of the foreign key fields and fetch only the fields passed in the fields argument.
Public class FullTextSearch
Public class IEntity2Extension
Public class IEntityCollection2Extension
Public class IEntityFieldCoreExtension
Public class IPrefetchPath2Extension
Public class IRelationPredicateBucketExtension
Public class LinqExtension
Public class LLBLGenProGenericAuditor<(Of <(<'TAuditInfoEntity>)>)>
LLBLGen Pro Generic Auditor.


Create Audit Entity table in Database and create it with LLBLGen O/R Mapper.

Go to the Audit Entity class and implement IAuditInfoEntity inside that class.

Derive the class that iherits from [!:LLBLGenProGenericAuditor] and pass in your audit entity as a type.

Add this attribute to derived class: "[DependencyInjectionInfo(typeof(IEntity2), "AuditorToUse")]"

Enable LLBLGen Dependency Injection. -

Public class LookupBase<(Of <(<'TEntity>)>)>
Public class LookupDefinition
Public class Repository
DAL main repository based on the LLBLGen.
Public class RepositoryExtender
Repository Extender based on the main Repository.
Public class SelectQueryDefinition
Public class UnitOfWork2Extension


  Interface Description
Public interface IAuditInfoEntity
Audit information entity interface.
Public interface IDataAccessAdapterExtender
LLBLGen IDataAccessAdapter extender.
Public interface ILookupBase
Public interface IRepository
DAL main repository interface based on the LLBLGen.
Public interface IRepositoryExtender
Repository Extender interface based on the main Repository.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate AdapterBeforeFetchEventHandler
Adapter before fetch event handler.
Public delegate InitializeAuditInfoEntityHandler
Initialize audit information entity handler.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AuditSerializationMode
Audit serialization mode.
Public enumeration AuditType
Audit type enum.
Public enumeration FullTextSearchOptions