
  Class Description
Public class ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider
Public class ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider
Active directory role provider.
Public class AdvancedModeDefaulViewEditorPart
Editor for picking default view in advanced mode
Public class AjaxWebPartManager
"Ajaxified" Web part manager. By default, Web part manager in ASP.NET 2.0 is not Ajax-compliant and must use postbacks which makes user experience much more difficult. The AjaxWebPartManager fully supports Ajax.
Public class ApplicationSettings
Application settings from user.config are kept inside this static class.
Public class ApplicationSettings..::..MonoXTypeSettings
Handles MonoX type settings.
Public class ApplicationSettings..::..Reputation
Gets the user reputation score default values.
Public class ApplicationSettings..::..Reputation..::..AntiSpam
Anti spam reputation score default values.
Public class ApplicationSettings..::..Reputation..::..Blog
Blog reputation score default values.
Public class ApplicationSettings..::..Reputation..::..SocialNetwork
Social networking reputation score default values.
Public class ApplicationSettings..::..Reputation..::..SocialNetwork..::..Discussion
Social networking discussion reputation score default values.
Public class ApplicationSettings..::..Reputation..::..SocialNetwork..::..Group
Social networking group reputation score default values.
Public class ApplicationSettings..::..Reputation..::..SocialNetwork..::..PhotoGallery
Social networking photo gallery reputation score default values.
Public class ApplicationSettings..::..Reputation..::..UserProfile
User profile reputation score default values.
Public class ApplicationSettings..::..ThumbnailSizeDefaults
Thumbnail size default values.
Public class AutoRegisterCatalogPart
Auto register catalog part automatically register all parts located at the path defined by ModuleGalleryPath configuration switch in user.config.
Public class AutoRegisterWebPartDescription
Class that holds autoregister Web part description.
Public class BaseAutoRegisterPart
Base class for auto-register Web parts.
Public class BaseCloudItem
Cloud item used for any generic cloud
Public class BaseGridEditPage
BaseGridEditPage is used as base administration page for screens that require one page for grid data preview and a child page for data editing/manipulation. It is basically an advanced version of DataGridView and DetailsView page pair.
Public class BaseHttpApplication
Used as a base http application class in MonoX. Logging infrastructure depends on this class.
Public class BaseHttpHandler
MonoX System.Web.IHttpHandler that supports injections.
Public class BaseMasterPage
Used as a base master page in MonoX.
Public class BasePage
BasePage provides common functionality (security, Ajax handling, SEO, licensing, personalization, and similar tasks)
Public class BasePagedPart
Base class for auto-register Web parts.
Public class BasePart
BasePart is a parent of all Web parts in MonoX framework. It actually wraps and inherits from UserControl (not WebPart), allowing easy design of the custom MonoX modules without in-depth knowledge of custom control programming.
Public class BaseProfileControl
Base user profile control for MonoX portal.
Public class BaseUserControl
Base user control for MonoX portal.
Public class BlogCategoriesEditorPart
Blog categories editor Web part
Public class CalendarEditorPart
Public class CategoriesEditorPart
Categories editor part.
Public class CollapsibleEditorPartChrome
Public class CollapsibleEditorZone
Class that implements a collapsible editor zone.
Public class CopiedCatalogPart
Catalog for reading WebParts copied to the users session object (copy/paste functionality).
Public class CustomWebContext
MonoX Custom web context.
Public class DaySelectEditorPart
Public class DiscussionDailyReportArgs
Daily report arguments.
Public class DiscussionTopicFilterBucket
Discussion topic filter bucket used to compile all kinds of topic filters.
Public class EditorPartPropertyEditAllowingEventArgs
EventArgs for the EditorPart property edit event.
Public class EncodedStringWriter
Implements StringWriter "encoding hack" to set the Encoding value (read only by default).
Public class EventModuleModeEditorPart
Public class FileContentProvidersEditorPart
Public class FileUploadEventArgs
File upload event arguments.
Public class GetImage
Used to fetch images from the MonoX database.
Public class Global
Public class GridViewEditBox
Public class GridViewEditBoxErrMsgPopup
Public class GuidEventArgs
Guid event argument.
Public class HiddenCatalogPart
Public class HtmlEditorPart
HTML editor part, used in part editor zones.
Public class ListEditorPart
List editor part.
Public class LocalizationStringsEditorPart
Localization strings editor part.
Public class MenuSkinsEditorPart
Menu skin editor part.
Public class Message
Used for displaying various informal messages by executing the target message page and retain the original URL in the address bar.
Public class MessageEventArgs
Message event argument.
Public class MonoXDataAccessAdapter
MonoX DataAccessAdapter.
Public class MonoXMembershipProvider
MonoX Membership provider based on the SqlMembershipProvider which used HttpContext items to cache the data on the HttpRequest base.
Public class MonoXRoleProvider
MonoX Role provider based on the SqlRoleProvider which used HttpContext items to cache the data on the HttpRequest base.
Public class NavigationEditorPart
Navigation editor part.
Public class NavigationEventArgs
Navigation event agrument, used when rendering the navigation menu
Public class PagesEditorPart
Pages editor part.
Public class PollEditorPart
Poll editor part.
Public class PortalCatalogZone
Overriden implementation of PortalCatalogZone that allows for MonoX catalog zone features: autoregistered parts, Web part clipboard, etc.
Public class PortalConnectionsZone
Public class PortalImportCatalogPart
Class that implements improved Import Catalog Part, since the original one poorly supports Ajax.
Public class PortalWebPartManager
Implementation of the MonoX Web part manager based on the AjaxWebPartManager. Introduces versioning and authorization features.
Public class PortalWebPartPersonalization
Implements wrapper around the WebPartPersonalization which implements low-level personalization operations.
Public class PortalWebPartZone
Portal Web part zone inherits from TemplatedWebPartZone, adds support for authorization-dependant edit verbs and copy verbs in Web parts.
Public class PortalWebPartZoneTableless
Portal Web part zone inherits from PortalWebPartZone, adds support for tableless rendering of Web parts.
Public class PropertyDescriptorExtender
Property descriptor extender.
Public class PropertyGridEditorPart
Custom property editor for Web parts.
Public class RadUploadConstants
Public class RewrittenPath
Rewritten path contains an url rewritting pattern item from web.config.
Public class RewrittenPaths
Strongly typed rewriten paths.
Public class RewrittenUrl
Rewritten url used as a container for url related data.
Public class RewrittenUrlBuilder
Rewritten url builder is used as a repository for methods that performs URL generation for rewritten links.
Public class RewrittenUrlBuilder..::..Blog
Container for Blog related methods.
Public class RewrittenUrlBuilder..::..SocialNetwork
Container for social networking related methods.
Public class RewrittenUrlBuilder..::..SocialNetwork..::..Discussion
Container for social networking photo gallery related methods.
Public class RewrittenUrlBuilder..::..SocialNetwork..::..Files
Public class RewrittenUrlBuilder..::..SocialNetwork..::..Group
Container for social networking groups related methods.
Public class RewrittenUrlBuilder..::..SocialNetwork..::..PhotoGallery
Container for social networking photo gallery related methods.
Public class RewrittenUrlBuilder..::..UserProfile
Container for User profile related methods.
Public class RoleEditorPart
Role editor part.
Public class SearchProviderEditorPart
Search provider editor part.
Public class SilverlightUploadHandler
Handler for Telerik Silverlight upload control
Public class TablelessWebPartChrome
Tableless Web part chrome. Inherits from TemplatedWebPartChrome and as such offers a very flexible mechanism for managing chromes, instead of using skin files or similar techniques.
Public class TemplatedEditorPartChrome
Used for rendering Web part editor templates. Offers a very flexible mechanism for managing chromes, instead of using skin files or similar techniques.
Public class TemplatedEditorZone
Templated editor zone implementation.
Public class TemplatedWebPartChrome
Object that generates a Web part chrome from a template. Offers a very flexible mechanism for managing chromes, instead of using skin files or similar techniques.
Public class TemplatedWebPartZone
Templated Web part zone, uses template files to define chrome. Offers a very flexible mechanism for managing chromes, instead of using skin files or similar techniques.
Public class TemplatesEditorPart
Templates Editor Part.
Public class TextAreaEditorPart
Multi-row plain text Web part editor.
Public class Thumbnailer
Class for creating image thumbnails.
Public class Upload
HttpHandler for processing uploaded files.
Public class UrlParams
Common url parameters
Public class UrlParams..::..Blog
Public class UrlParams..::..EventModule
Public class UrlParams..::..ListModule
Public class UrlParams..::..Search
Public class UrlParams..::..SocialNetworking
Public class UrlParams..::..SocialNetworking..::..DiscussionBoard
Public class UrlParams..::..SocialNetworking..::..Files
Public class UrlParams..::..SocialNetworking..::..Gallery
Public class UrlParams..::..SocialNetworking..::..Groups
Public class UrlParams..::..SocialNetworking..::..Messaging
Public class UrlParams..::..UserProfile
User profile url parameters.
Public class UserException
Used for defining and displaying nicely formatted, user-friendly, known and expected error messages.
Public class UserProfileHiddenFieldsEditorPart
Role editor part.
Public class UserSearchEventArgs
User picker event arguments.
Public class VersionedPersonalizationProvider
Enhanced version of the SqlPersonalizationProvider that introduces versioning features to portal.
Public class WebEditorAttribute
Web editor attribute.
Public class WebPartApplyChangesAttribute
Attribute that is used to mark the methods that are called on ApplyChanges event in Web part editor. Usually used for various data binding / refreshing methods.
Public class WildCardExtensionFix
IIS 5.0 (Windows 2000) and IIS 5.1 (Windows XP Pro) Web Service (.asmx) Url Rewriting fix.


  Structure Description
Public structure BaseGridEditPage..::..GridEditCommand
GridEditCommand structure used so data preview page and data manipulation page can communicate via Request parameters.


  Interface Description
Public interface IDiscussionDailyReportLocalization
Discussion board daily report localization strings interface.
Public interface ISnRelationshipConnection
Interface used in connection scenarios for comments, filegallery, and similar child parts.
Public interface IStringConnectionInterface
Simple interface used in the Web part connections sample.
Public interface ITemplatedEditorPart
Interface for the EditorPart ITemplate.
Public interface ITemplatedWebPart
Interface for Templated Web part.
Public interface IToolboxMasterPage
Interface used to locate MonoX master page with a toolbox from nested pages.
Public interface IWebEditor
Interface for web editor.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate GridViewEditBox..::..ActionEventHandler
Action event handler used for Edit, Delete etc. events.
Public delegate GridViewEditBox..::..AddActionEventHandler
Add action event handler used for add event.
Public delegate GridViewEditBox..::..DeleteActionEventHandler
Delete action event handler used for delete event.
Public delegate GridViewEditBox..::..GenerateFilterEventHandler
Generate filter event handler used to generate basic and custom filter.
Public delegate GridViewEditBox..::..NeedDataSourceEventHandler
Need data source event handler used to fetch the data source for the grid.
Public delegate GridViewEditBox..::..NeedDataSourceFilterEventHandler
Need data source filter event handler used to fetch filtered data source for the grid.
Public delegate GridViewEditBox..::..SortingEventHandler
Sorting event handler.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ActivePhotoGalleryControl
Enum that holds the photo gallery container working mode.
Public enumeration Mode
Discussion board mode.
Public enumeration SocialNetworkingMode
Social networking mode enum. In group-based modes everything is based on the group membership and user can communicate with and pick friends from the groups he is a member of. All group members can be messaged individually. In friend based - default, Facebook-style - mode user can pick friends from all members, and can communicate only with friends from his list or members from the groups he joined (but cannot see individual group members when he sends messages)
Public enumeration SocialNetworkingRelationshipMode
Social networking relationship mode enum. For example, User A adds User B to his friend list. With a one-way friendship framework, User B is User A's friend, but User A is not User B's friend. With a two-way friendship framework, User B is User A's friend and User A is User B's friend.