The ShortGuid type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public operator Static member Equality
Determines if both ShortGuids have the same underlying Guid value.
Public operator Static member Implicit Widening Implicit Implicit Implicit (Guid to ShortGuid)
Implicitly converts the Guid to a ShortGuid
Public operator Static member Implicit Widening Implicit Implicit Implicit (String to ShortGuid)
Implicitly converts the string to a ShortGuid
Public operator Static member Implicit Widening Implicit Implicit Implicit (ShortGuid to String)
Implicitly converts the ShortGuid to it's string equivilent
Public operator Static member Implicit Widening Implicit Implicit Implicit (ShortGuid to Guid)
Implicitly converts the ShortGuid to it's Guid equivilent
Public operator Static member Inequality
Determines if both ShortGuids do not have the same underlying Guid value.

See Also