Used for restricting direct web service access to just the local computer.

Namespace: MonoSoftware.Web.Services
Assembly: MonoSoftware.Web (in MonoSoftware.Web.dll) Version: (


public class WebServiceLocalSecurityHandlerFactory : IHttpHandlerFactory
Visual Basic
Public Class WebServiceLocalSecurityHandlerFactory
	Implements IHttpHandlerFactory
Visual C++
public ref class WebServiceLocalSecurityHandlerFactory : IHttpHandlerFactory
type WebServiceLocalSecurityHandlerFactory =  
        interface IHttpHandlerFactory


This may be needed when there are several different IIS locations pointing to the same service (for example localization sub-folder apps like en, de, it,...), which makes it cumbersome to set the restriction separatelly for each location directly in the IIS. In order to set it up, one needs to add the following line to the web.config: Typically, services that are accompanying web sites are used for the scheduled maintenance tasks, which is usually done via .vbs script. In that kind of scenario, one should also prevent the access to the .vbs too via: provided that the IIS uses ASP.NET for handling .vbs requests (and it often is, since many scenarios require the url rewriting enabled, which makes all the extensions in the IIS handled by the ASP.NET).

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also