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MonoX nightly builds

10/22/2012Categories: MonoX

Starting this week, we will start publishing MonoX nightly build packages at the following address. The deployment process is scheduled for Wednesday and Friday each week, and will include the latest bug fixes and new features. 

Testing of MonoX nightly builds is a very important QA task and helps us track down regression bugs early in the process. This is essential for ensuring high quality of the final releases and we would appreciate if you could report bugs related to these nightly builds in our support forum, by opening a new topic and specifying issue details along with the MonoX version.

These builds are created automatically using the latest revisions of the source files from our internal Subversion repository. Please note that this is a work in progress, and you should not be using beta builds in production environments. Mono Ltd. cannot be held responsible for any data lost or damage caused by using beta versions of MonoX.

Rated 5.00, 2 vote(s). 
At I see 4.7.0.X versions, but we have been using (beta) you had sent us (was that "40" a typo?) for use with SQL Server 2012.

What is the latest build (before the introduction of the new responsive UI) to use, since we already skinned the beta and would like to get the latest fixes without having to reskin for the moment
Yes it was a typo, latest build is the (which should be I'll send you the InMail message when we push the latest build before the theme switch.