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Working with Monox localization resources

12/08/2012Categories: MonoX

We are recieving a lot of support requests related to the modification of the default localization settings, or adding a new language to the custom projects. In this post, I will try to shed some light onto this topic.

Before you start translating the resources we advise you to copy the whole localization solution to your custom location: from "MonoX/Samples/Solution/LocalizationSolution" to "YourCustomFolder/LocalizationSolution" (out of the MonoX CMS folder structure). New versions of the MonoX CMS that you may upgrade to in the future will overwrite the localization solution folder with new MonoX resources, and that is why we advise you to copy the whole localization solution to your custom, protected location. When you do so, please open "YourCustomFolder/LocalizationSolution/LocalizationSolution.sln" in the Visual Studio.

It all works fine when you open Visual Studio, navigate to the target resource file, do some modifications, build the solution and copy the contents of its bin folder to your MonoX project bin folder. However, there are some issues when you try to edit the default (in this case English) resources. Take DefaultResouces.resx file for an example - you need to copy that resource file and rename it to DefaultResources.en-Us.resx and then perform all changes in the newly created file. Otherwise, if you just perform modifications in the DefaultResources.resx file, your changes will not affect the English localization.

When you finish your work, you need to build the project and navigate to the localization project's "bin" folder. Copy all files and subfolders (e.g. "en-US", "hr-HR", "tr-TR", "cs-CZ") to the MonoX bin folder and overwrite all of the MonoX original localization folders. Restart the IIS application pool and refresh the portal page, and you'll get to see the newly entered localization settings in action.

Please note that one of my earlier blog posts covers the localization topics in greater detail - please read it if you have any issues with basic localization techniques.

UPDATE: You can also use the MonoX-Localization-Resources on the GitHub.

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I downloaded MonoX-Localization-Resources from GitHub. When I finish my translation, I tried to build MonoX-Localization-Resources but I got errors in Visual Studio.

How to build MonoX-Localization-Resources to get a new Resource DLL?
Please post your issue on our support forum and provide us with the exact error that you get.
