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Release Announcement: eCTD Office - Full Support for Swiss eCTD Version 1.1

07/01/2010Categories: eCTD
Mono Software and PRS today announced the major new release of the eCTD Office Suite, widely used NeeS / VNeeS / eCTD publishing system for EU and Swiss eCTD / NeeS electronic submissions.

eCTD Office is a suite of integrated NeeS / VNeeS/ eCTD software products for the creation, validation, viewing, manipulation and archiving of NeeS / eCTD submissions of regulatory documentation by pharmaceutical companies to the regulatory authorities.

eCTD Office in its latest version includes the following new features:
  • Full support for Swiss Module 1 Specification for eCTD, Version 1.1.
  • eCTD Envelope Explorer.
  • Templated Compiler.
  • Various enhancements and new features to make your esubmission publishing more user friendly, easier and faster.
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