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MonoX v3: Free ASP.NET CMS and Social Networking Platform

08/20/2010Categories: MonoX

We have just published a new, completely redesigned release of MonoX ASP.NET CMS with full support for Social Networking features. Although officially it is still in beta, this version powers dozens advanced Web applications and offers unprecedented functionality and stability. You may already be familiar with the features brought by older versions: interactive user interface compatible with any recent Web browser, full support for the ASP.NET Web parts framework, W3C compliance, SEO optimization, scalable and robust architecture, standardized plug-and-play modules and open API, high performance and flexible data layer, support for the MetaWeblog standard, interactive personalization, customizability, localizability, provider-based infrastructure.... I could go on and on about this, but let me refer you to the short list of MonoX features that includes a link to the user manual.

This version focuses on social networking features. MonoX now comes with everything you need to build fully-featured social environments, including: user profiles, OpenID support, friendship modules, scalable multi-user blog engine with automatic anti-spam protection, photo albums, customizable group architecture with support for public and private groups, discussion boards, file galleries, support for activity streams (event logs), messaging, video conversion and sharing, wall and comments.

Good news does not stop there. MonoX is now completely free, and can be used in both commercial and non-commercial scenarios without any hidden limitations. The only requirement is a link back to the MonoX site. Support is provided via our community resources: blogs, forums and knowledge base.

Additionally, you can purchase a priority support contract with or without full source code. Our support team attends all priority support queries within 24 hours on working days.


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