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Application Optimization in MonoX

04/06/2010 By denis 0
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Last month we've published an application optimization package - Web Application Optimizer (WAO) - with features that include HTTP compression, ViewState optimization and CSS/Javascript optimization. WAO significantly increases the response time for Web applications of all sizes, and, most importantly, there is no need to modify the source code of your applications!

The package works in very different application scenarios and we've got plenty of useful feedback from the first group of users. There has been a slight confusion related to the availability of WAO in our MonoX framework. I wanted to formally announce that  WAO is available by default in all versions of MonoX. It is easy to tell if the WAO is active by the absence of big ViewState data chunk from the page source.

Web Application Optimizer

07/06/2009 By denis 2
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We are proud to present a new and innovative product for ASP.NET development community: WAO is an easy-to-use application optimization tool designed to boost the performance of dynamic Web sites by reducing the page size and optimizing the HTML code rendered by the ASP.NET engine. The most important WAO features include HTTP compression, ViewState optimization and CSS/Javascript optimization - all in one affordable package.

WAO significantly increases the response time for Web applications of all sizes. Most importantly, there is no need to modify the source code of your applications.
More information is available at WAO demo site,