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Viewed 32846 time(s), 13 post(s), 9/20/2011 4:53:53 PM - by rovvy
9/20/2011 4:53:53 PM
152 Reputation 21 Total posts

I can't seem to be able to change the user avatar image.
In the user profile webpart, the Show user avatar is checked.

Also all the permissions on the upload directory seem correct.
I can change it only for admin users.

Any suggestions would be great.

9/20/2011 8:26:20 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


user avatar is saved in the database table called UserAvatar so it isn't related to folder permissions. Can you please check the error logs and get back to us. And can you tell us if you have customized the User profile Web part ?


9/20/2011 8:27:41 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Also we have tested the functionality on 4.1.2741 version and it is working fine. Please get back to us with error logs so we can proceed.


9/23/2011 6:27:00 PM
152 Reputation 21 Total posts

I do not get any error. After selecting the image and pressing 'save', the default avatar does not change.
There is no error in the log file.
Also the user profie has not been constumized.

9/23/2011 11:07:32 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


is there a way for us to access the site so we can take a look at the issue ?


9/24/2011 12:52:00 PM
152 Reputation 21 Total posts

If you still have them, you can use the site address and credentials provided on topic "accessing SN messaging center properties from Messages page throws exception".

9/24/2011 3:03:17 PM
986 Reputation 121 Total posts

During debug the fetch and saveentity is failing see attachments.
The avatar binary records is created in DB


9/24/2011 3:02:41 PM
986 Reputation 121 Total posts

FYI - same project

9/26/2011 9:06:54 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Hi Gabriel,

I have take a look at both screenshots and everything looks as it should be. In first screenshot fetchFails we have tried to fetch the UserAvatar and in case if  there isn't any in the database we return null (at this point UserAvatar entity / object is out of sync which is normal), and after that we need to create a new UserAvatar object and put the avatar image inside and then save the entity.

Note: we aren't refetching entity so UserAvatar entity is out of sync again which is normal - we don't need to access entity and therefor we aren't fetching it. If you need to refetch the entity change the following:

rep.SaveEntity(uAvatar, true);

Generally from the screenshots provided I can't see much so I'll need an access to the Web site again, I have tried but it wasn't accessible. Let me know when you put your Web site on-line again so I can try to check the issue.

BTW - can you please post your questions to your Priority forum so we can address them faster, thanks.


9/26/2011 1:00:14 PM
152 Reputation 21 Total posts

Thanks for the answer. Setting the User profile webpart Gravatar type to Avatar lets us change the avatar image.
Previous it was set to Not set.

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