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Blog SerchTimeout   (Mono Support )

Viewed 12663 time(s), 4 post(s) 4/15/2013 5:59:12 AMby Dinesh.Sajwan


4/15/2013 5:59:12 AM

We are using monox software in our organization from past 1 year.

We are facing issue with blog serching. It's gives timeout error although SQL query takes 33 second to execute on Sql Server management studio. We have already extended connection string timeout in our web.config file but it's did not solve the our problem. 

Currently we have following no of records in respective tables. Please help

Blog  -- 3016
BlogPost -- 11254
BlogPostRole -- 0
SnRelationship -- 43547
SnTag -- 10385

Example Blog Serch Query structurte

 exec sp_executesql N'SELECT DISTINCT TOP(@p2) [dbo].[BlogPost].[Id],
[dbo].[BlogPost].[IdentityId], [dbo].[BlogPost].[BlogId],
[dbo].[BlogPost].[Title], [dbo].[BlogPost].[Description],

[dbo].[BlogPost].[DateCreated], [dbo].[BlogPost].[DateModified],
[dbo].[BlogPost].[DatePublished], [dbo].[BlogPost].[IsCommentEnabled],

[dbo].[BlogPost].[Rating], [dbo].[BlogPost].[Slug], [dbo].[BlogPost].[UserId],
[dbo].[BlogPost].[IsPublished] FROM (((( [dbo].[Blog]  INNER JOIN [dbo].[BlogPost]  ON

LEFT JOIN [dbo].[BlogPostRole]  ON 
[dbo].[BlogPost].[Id]=[dbo].[BlogPostRole].[BlogPostId]) LEFT JOIN
[dbo].[SnRelationship]  ON 

LEFT JOIN [dbo].[SnTag]  ON 
[dbo].[SnRelationship].[Id]=[dbo].[SnTag].[RelationshipId]) WHERE ( (
[dbo].[Blog].[ApplicationId] = @p3 AND

 [dbo].[Blog].[LanguageId] = @p4 AND ( (
[dbo].[BlogPost].[IsPublished] = @p5 AND [dbo].[BlogPost].[DatePublished] <=
@p6) OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[UserId] = @p7) AND ( [dbo].[BlogPostRole].[RoleId]

 IN (@p8, @p9) OR [dbo].[BlogPostRole].[RoleId]
[dbo].[BlogPostRole].[BlogPostId] FROM [dbo].[BlogPostRole]   WHERE [dbo].[BlogPostRole].[BlogPostId] =

 [dbo].[BlogPost].[Id])) AND ( ( (
[dbo].[SnTag].[Tag] LIKE @p11 OR [dbo].[SnTag].[Tag] LIKE @p12 OR
[dbo].[SnTag].[Tag] LIKE @p13 OR [dbo].[SnTag].[Tag] LIKE @p14 OR
[dbo].[SnTag].[Tag] LIKE @p15)) OR

  ( ( [dbo].[SnTag].[Slug] LIKE @p16 OR
[dbo].[SnTag].[Slug] LIKE @p17 OR [dbo].[SnTag].[Slug] LIKE @p18 OR
[dbo].[SnTag].[Slug] LIKE @p19 OR [dbo].[SnTag].[Slug]

  LIKE @p20)) AND [dbo].[BlogPost].[Title] =
@p21 OR ( ( [dbo].[BlogPost].[Title] LIKE @p22 OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[Title]

  LIKE @p23 OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[Title] LIKE
@p24 OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[Title] LIKE @p25 OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[Title]

  LIKE @p26)) OR ( (
[dbo].[BlogPost].[PostContent] LIKE @p27 OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[PostContent] LIKE
@p28 OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[PostContent]

  LIKE @p29 OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[PostContent]
LIKE @p30 OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[PostContent] LIKE @p31)) OR ( (

  LIKE @p32 OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[Description]
LIKE @p33 OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[Description] LIKE @p34 OR

  LIKE @p35 OR [dbo].[BlogPost].[Description]
LIKE @p36))))) ORDER BY [dbo].[BlogPost].[DatePublished] DESC',N'@p2
bigint,@p3 uniqueidentifier,@p4 uniqueidentifier,@p5 bit,@p6 datetime,

  @p7 uniqueidentifier,@p8 uniqueidentifier,@p9
uniqueidentifier,@p10 uniqueidentifier,@p11 nvarchar(8),@p12 nvarchar(6),@p13
nvarchar(5),@p14 nvarchar(6),

  @p15 nvarchar(7),@p16 nvarchar(8),@p17
nvarchar(6),@p18 nvarchar(5),@p19 nvarchar(6),@p20 nvarchar(7),@p21
nvarchar(450),@p22 nvarchar(8),@p23 nvarchar(6),

  @p24 nvarchar(5),@p25 nvarchar(6),@p26
nvarchar(7),@p27 nvarchar(8),@p28 nvarchar(6),@p29 nvarchar(5),@p30
nvarchar(6),@p31 nvarchar(7),@p32 nvarchar(8),

  @p33 nvarchar(6),@p34 nvarchar(5),@p35
nvarchar(6),@p36 nvarchar(7)',@p2=100,@p3='67C919E2-8DF4-476A-B312-C26F82A36CFB',@p4='0543FD17-141B-4C40-BB35-B57F9EEC6EE0',

  @p5=1,@p6='2013-04-12 11:29:43.733',@p7='99FD7932-FFF8-43D1-A551-A08A01215799',@p8='20800248-CB7C-4D4B-BB40-99A9F11B050E',@p9='EBAF7B92-BB12-40C3-B3E4-FD40B9932E3E',

  @p10='E03DA7A5-3AAD-4EE5-AF51-9A5E01639FE0',@p11=N'% java %',@p12=N'java %',@p13=N'java%',@p14=N'% java',@p15=N'% java%',@p16=N'% java %',@p17=N'java %',@p18=N'java%',

  @p19=N'% java',@p20=N'% java%',@p21=N'java',@p22=N'% java %',@p23=N'java %',@p24=N'java%',@p25=N'% java',@p26=N'% java%',@p27=N'% java %',@p28=N'java %',@p29=N'java%',

  @p30=N'% java',@p31=N'% java%',@p32=N'% java %',@p33=N'java %',@p34=N'java%',@p35=N'% java',@p36=N'% java%'


-- Abhishek




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4/15/2013 7:08:40 AM

you should try to switch the Blog search provider to the following configuration:

<add name="BlogSearchProvider" type="MonoSoftware.MonoX.SearchEngine.Providers.BlogSearchProvider, MonoX" BlogContentLength="255" BoldSearchPhrases="true" FullTextSearch="false" MaxNoOfResults="100"/>
<add name="BlogSearchProvider" type="MonoSoftware.MonoX.SearchEngine.Providers.BlogSearchProvider, MonoX" BlogContentLength="255" BoldSearchPhrases="true" FullTextSearch="true" MaxNoOfResults="100"/>
Basically you are using "simple" search configuration which is using SQL like operator and this tends to be slow on large data sets, so you need to switch to Full Text search in order to get the speed. Please try this and get back to us ... beside that we will need to identify the next bottle neck if any, so can you please check the execution times for e.g. methods related to BlogSearchProvider - Search (which points back to BlogRepository - SearchBlogPosts).


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4/15/2013 6:35:16 PM

I have reset web. Config key as per solution mention by you.But its gives me following error.

Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view 'dbo.BlogPost' because it is not full-text indexed  

-- Abhishek
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25 Reputation 3 Total posts


4/15/2013 6:53:41 PM

can you please check if you have properly Full text indexes set on your blog post table?

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