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hi! can you tell me how to change default localhost address of MonoX? (Closed) (Mono Support )

Viewed 33276 time(s), 18 post(s) 1/18/2012 8:46:22 PMby in4man


1/19/2012 8:38:20 PM
To something like social***
I like that domain, but when I tried open from it MonoX all links point to http://localhost.
Thanks. In advance

UPDATE: Does mono sopprt Apache Hosting? (like mono)
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1/18/2012 8:50:27 PM
It's something with rewriting rules, yes?
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1/18/2012 8:53:27 PM
Where I can change addess of DEFAULT ROOT site? It's very important for me. Because I have monoX on IIS on 8080 port. My 80 port - is Apache. And virtual host on some subdomain points (via proxy) to my 8080 port. What can heal this situation? I need rewrite rules or SOMETHING? Please, help.
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282 Reputation 46 Total posts


1/19/2012 8:39:05 PM
i figured out_ that some manipulation with <UrlRewriter> sections helps, but when i Try open discussion forum of group it ends with MonoX report error file not found.

What i tried write in web.config:
FIRST Lines ARE WHERE I changed TO= condition....
(<URLRewriter> section)

<rewrite url="^(.*)/search/(.*)/(\?(.+))?$" to="social***$2&$4" name="SiteSearch" urlPattern="/search/{Query}/" />
     <!-- dynamic group rules, can be used regardeless of the actual name of the page that holds group parts -->
     <rewrite url="^(.*)/(.*)/GroupView/(.*)/(.*)/(\?(.+))?$" to="social***$2.aspx?GroupId=$3&$6" name="GroupView" defaultPage="/MonoX/Pages/SocialNetworking/Groups.aspx" urlPattern="/{PageName}/GroupView/{ShortId}/{Slug}/" />
     <rewrite url="^(.*)/(.*)/GroupEdit/(.*)/(.*)/(\?(.+))?$" to="social***$2.aspx?GroupId=$3&EditMode=true&$6" name="GroupEdit" defaultPage="/MonoX/Pages/SocialNetworking/Groups.aspx" urlPattern="/{PageName}/GroupEdit/{ShortId}/{Slug}/" />
     <rewrite url="^(.*)/(.*)/GroupList/(\?(.+))?$" to="$1/$2.aspx$3" name="GroupList" defaultPage="/MonoX/Pages/SocialNetworking/Groups.aspx" urlPattern="/{PageName}/GroupList/" />
     <rewrite url="^(.*)/(.*)/GroupInsert/(\?(.+))?$" to="$1/$2.aspx?InsertMode=true&$4" name="GroupInsert" defaultPage="/MonoX/Pages/SocialNetworking/Groups.aspx" urlPattern="/{PageName}/GroupInsert/" />
     <rewrite url="^(.*)/(.*)/GroupSearch/(.*)/(\?(.+))?$" to="$1/$2.aspx?SearchValue=$3&$5" name="GroupSearch" defaultPage="/MonoX/Pages/SocialNetworking/Groups.aspx" urlPattern="/{PageName}/GroupSearch/{SearchValue}/" />
     <rewrite url="^(.*)/(.*)/GroupSearch/(\?(.+))?$" to="$1/$2.aspx?ShowAllGroups=true&$4" name="GroupSearchShowAll" defaultPage="/MonoX/Pages/SocialNetworking/Groups.aspx" urlPattern="/{PageName}/GroupSearch/" />
     <rewrite url="^(.*)/(.*)/GroupCategory/(.*)/(\?(.+))?$" to="$1/$2.aspx?Category=$3&$5" name="GroupCategory" defaultPage="/MonoX/Pages/SocialNetworking/Groups.aspx" urlPattern="/{PageName}/GroupCategory/{CategorySlug}/" />
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1/18/2012 11:10:58 PM
so undefined that i stall.
(please some one tip me)
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1/18/2012 11:15:29 PM
I thing... That i found the answer. You have (creator of MonoX) to add option in Settings of MonoX like Main Application Path (URL). So else i can't figure out what can help me and this situation.

Please best regards, Sergey In4man
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1/19/2012 8:09:35 AM

the only thing that you need to do is to change the IIS settings and if you point some domain to the MonoX it will handle everything for you. So can you please provide us with the IIS details (version, you settings etc.) so we can help you a bit more.

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15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


1/19/2012 8:40:13 PM
Thanks Khorvat!
But I changed header name in IIS website settings, and now my Apache address is not reachable.

Please see here...***
And here is all working social***
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1/20/2012 7:41:18 AM

can you please tell us what version of IIS are you using we are in the dark here ? Can you please explain a bit more what exactly you are trying to accomplish ? Switching the domain or registering a new one shouldn't be that complex task in the IIS but to guide you we need more information on the IIS.

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1/20/2012 12:54:25 PM
IIS 5.1 XP SP3. And i am have domain on cc. Registered free. Now i'm trieng to assign that domain to IIS localhost.
And now I configured my IIS to listen to ip addres (my global ip) 8080 port. I have apache that runs on 80 port. And i use mod_proxy to redirect from some domain *** to *** (the same domains but different ports). So i configured for now to redirect to ip (withoud name of server). I want to redirect to url (*** Or even better to configure Redirect (rewrite) in MonoX. To redirect all urls from engine of MonoX to 80 port of (apache.).
I tried doing this with Gnump3d (this is soft for mp3 shoutcasting). And it perfectly works on 80 port, howerer all resourses on it is currently run on 8888 port.

So this is difficult, but I suppose is resolving. How, the question? :)
Thanks in advance.
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