Mono Support Permissions errors 

Viewed 29505 time(s), 4 post(s), 4/5/2011 12:49:51 PM - by klospros
4/5/2011 12:49:51 PM
5 Reputation 2 Total posts

I have installed Monox on Windows Server 2008 R2, at first I was getting 500.19 error and after searching through the forums I realised it was running under .NET v2.
I created a new .NET v4 App pool and moved the app pool, this resolved the 500 error but now on the setup screen I am getting the following errors;

'IIS APPPOOL\mono' account is not granted 'Write' permission on the
Although it is not an error, it's highly recommended that you configure these

I get this error on 5 folders and also the web.config file.

I have changed the App pool Identity to NetworkService, restarted IIS and recycled the App pool but am unable to get the correct permissions

Can you please advise where/how I can set the correct permissions?



4/5/2011 1:14:45 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

You need to give the write permissions to the Network Service Windows account at least for the ApplicationData folder, all of its subfolders and any other folder you may plan to write into. The easiest way to do this is to use Windows Explorer - right click on the folder, choose Properties - Security - Edit, add the Network Service account and choose its privileges.

4/5/2011 1:18:54 PM
246 Reputation 35 Total posts


you are half way, rightclick on the website folder then click security --- EDIT ---- ADD - Advanced., click on search...then go look for NETWORK SERVICE add that as a user with read and write permissions to the folder and sub folders. I actually think you only need to give write permissions to certain folders, check the install guide for witch folders those are if you dont want your whole network service read and write permissions to the folder.


4/5/2011 8:29:48 PM
5 Reputation 2 Total posts


Thank you both for the help, I added the network service with the correct permissions and all up and running now:)



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