Mono Support Mobile Friends page missing button text (Closed)

Viewed 21199 time(s), 7 post(s), 11/29/2011 5:59:35 PM - by grant.stone007
11/29/2011 5:59:35 PM
647 Reputation 69 Total posts

My current MonoX version is 4.5.3200.40. On the /MonoX.Mobile/Friends.aspx page, the FriendsList and InvitationList control's Approve and Delete buttons have no text labels showing. They are just blank buttons. I see that the FriendList.htm and InvitationList.htm use fields for the buttons so I assume the code populates the buttons and their text and/or images.

I am using database localization resources. Are the labels provided by localization strings? Please advise me on what I may be missing regarding these button labels.

11/29/2011 8:47:39 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


did we sent you the localization resources as SQL script for the database localization provider ?


11/30/2011 1:49:32 AM
647 Reputation 69 Total posts

Yes you did and I ran script and it appeared to have fixed many of the missing strings but these buttons still have no labels.

11/30/2011 10:47:05 AM
3016 Reputation 428 Total posts


can you please check the MonoX LocalizationSource table (ResourceKey column) if it contains the values for "Friends_RemoveFriend" and "InvitationList_Approve" for the language you use.


11/30/2011 2:42:03 PM
647 Reputation 69 Total posts

These records do not exist but I do find record for "Friends_DeleteFriend" and "InvitationList_ApproveInvitation".

11/30/2011 3:42:25 PM
3016 Reputation 428 Total posts


please find the attached SQL script will add those two items for the English language.


11/30/2011 5:21:43 PM
647 Reputation 69 Total posts

That fixed the missing labels. Thank you.

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