MonoX Roadmap Make signature at e-mails settable in web.config 

Viewed 60194 time(s), 1 post(s), 06.11.2012 22:01:06 - by GeorgeBirbilis13
06.11.2012 22:01:06
211 Reputation 26 Total posts

now web.config allows one to change MonoX to their own Application Name, but e-mails say "Regards, the MonoX team" at the bottom. One has to use localization to change that text. In my opinion the e-mail text in the localization resources should use {0} or similar replace token at the place of "the MonoX team" and allow you to change that signature in web.config (to more than a word, e.g. could have a name and then some empty line and some real signature in your web.config and it would be placed at the end of those e-mails automatically without you having to edit the default e-mail resources)

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