Mono Support Monox Upgrade issues. Latest version. (Zatvorena)

57753 put(a) pogledan, 3 odgovor(a), 29.6.2011. 15:26:56 - Kreirao(la) shawndg
29.6.2011. 15:26:56
1871 Reputacija 252 Ukupno objava


I decided that it was time for me to upgrade my Monox installation today..

Ok so I uploaded and had a issue with the web config.. had to replace one section so far..

had to replace the section with this updated section..

<RssStorage defaultProvider="RequestRssStorageProvider">
<add name="DiskRssStorageProvider" type="MonoSoftware.Web.RssEngine.Providers.DiskRssStorageProvider, MonoX" workingFolder="/MonoX/ApplicationData/RssStorage" sqlConnectionString="" timeout="30"/>
<add name="CacheRssStorageProvider" type="MonoSoftware.Web.RssEngine.Providers.CacheRssStorageProvider, MonoX" workingFolder="" sqlConnectionString="" timeout="30"/>
<add name="RequestRssStorageProvider" type="MonoSoftware.Web.RssEngine.Providers.RequestRssStorageProvider, MonoX" workingFolder="" sqlConnectionString="" timeout="30"/>

after I updated that section I was able to operate basic monox.. but since then I have been unable to view profiles.. and there may be more errors as well.

when i go to view a profile I get the following error.

Invalid column name 'Abrv'. Description:
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and
where it originated in the code.

Exception Details:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'Abrv'.

Now this quickly points to a problem with the database..
So.. is there any easy to update database scripts ?

I remember some stuff about the installer but I never done a upgrade like this before..
So any way you can point me in the right direction to how to properly update my database ?

29.6.2011. 15:41:06
1871 Reputacija 252 Ukupno objava


figured it out.. prob not the best way but here what I found..

I looked into the monox/installer.upgradescripts. and could clearly see the paths of the scripts I had to run..

since I only upgrades from the prev version.. I only had one script to run..

ALTER TABLE PrivacyLevel ADD Abrv nvarchar(50) NULL
UPDATE [dbo].[PrivacyLevel]
SET [Abrv] = [PrivacyLevel]
ALTER TABLE dbo.PrivacyLevel Alter Column Abrv nvarchar(50) NOT NULL

Once I ran this script.. all is good so far..

29.6.2011. 21:23:10
7207 Reputacija 956 Ukupno objava

Hi Shawn,
There is a detailed article that describes the manual upgrade process:
You were on the right track - the main tasks that need to be done include web.config synchronization and running the SQL upgrade scripts.

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