The BasePage type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method BasePage
Initializes a new instance of the BasePage class.


  Name Description
Public method AddAjaxStartupScript
Ads Ajax startup javascripts that are then executed from PreRender.
Protected method AllowAccess
Used to determine if current uset has access to requested page.
Public method AutoGenerateMetaKeywordsContent
Prepares a placeholder for subsequent automatic generation of META keywords tag content.
Protected method CheckForMobileRedirect
Checks if the request is coming from the mobile client and perform the redirect if needed.
Protected method CheckIsCacheDirty
Checks if the cache for this page is invalidated.
Protected method CreateChildControls
Overridden CreateChildControls event
(Overrides Control..::..CreateChildControls()()()().)
Protected method CreateHtmlTextWriter
To avoid infamous: Exception of typeSystem.Web.HttpUnhandledException’ was thrown. Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory.
Instead of improving search engine ranking, Url Rewriting can prevent crawlers from indexing any pages. ASP.NET 2.0 uses an adaptive rendering pattern to render html depending on user agents. When a bot visits the site, System.Web.UI.Html32TextWriter gets used to render the html and apparently this throws an exception when System.Web.Util.UrlPath.ReduceVirtualPath() gets called internally by the .NET framework when using Url Rewriting.
This method is used to solve the problems associated with this message. However, it appears that XhtmlTextWriter causes other unrelated problems, so the current solution is to use cookieless="UseCookies" in web.config so the cokieless feature that changes the URL is NEVER used.
(Overrides Page..::..CreateHtmlTextWriter(TextWriter).)
Protected method DisableViewState
Disables the state of the view.
Public method Dispose
Base page dispose. Dispose of: MonoXDaAdapter.
(Overrides Control..::..Dispose()()()().)
Protected method FindMasterWithToolbox
Finds the master with toolbox.
Protected method FrameworkInitialize
Initializes the control tree during page generation based on the declarative nature of the page.

Note: Portal culture initialization is performed here.

(Overrides Page..::..FrameworkInitialize()()()().)
Public method GenerateMetaTag
Protected method GetCurrentLanguageId
Gets currently selected language id.
Public method GetPageCacheKey
Generates cache key for page output caching based on the input params.
Public method GetPersonalizationPath
Gets the personalization (query) path from the personalization provider.
Public method GetRegisteredProviderModules
Get Registered provider modules.
Public method GetRevisionPath
Gets a string that will be used as a unique ID for the revision page.
Public method Static member HasSecurityException
Check if provided exception is raised from SecurityException.
Protected method InitializeCulture
Used to initialize selected culture.
(Overrides Page..::..InitializeCulture()()()().)
Protected method InitializeMonoXCulture
Used to initialize monox selected culture.
Public method InvalidateCacheKey
Invalidates cache key for page output caching, usually used with cache dependencies.
Protected method OnError
Handles all page errors.
(Overrides TemplateControl..::..OnError(EventArgs).)
Protected method OnInit
Page init, security and other initialization tasks are performed here.
(Overrides PageBaseOnInit(EventArgs).)
Public method OnInitWebPartManager
Triggers the InitWebPartManagerEvent.
Protected method OnLoad
Page load, sets SEO and Google analytics stuff.
(Overrides Control..::..OnLoad(EventArgs).)
Protected method OnPreInit
Decide which master page to assign to the content pages, Ajax or no-Ajax, based on the settings in user.config.
(Overrides Page..::..OnPreInit(EventArgs).)
Protected method OnPreRender
Overriden OnPreRender event, registers scripts and CSS.
(Overrides Control..::..OnPreRender(EventArgs).)
Public method RegisterProviderModule
Register provider module.
Protected method Render
Overriden render event, implements meta keyword generation.
(Overrides Page..::..Render(HtmlTextWriter).)
Protected method SetCacheDependencies
Sets cache dependencies by parsing the CacheDependencyKeys property and adding each of the dependencies to the dependency array.
Public method SetPageTitle
Used to set the page title from outside, bypassing the default SEO content generation.
Protected method SetSeoStuff
Used to set localized page title, and to set meta data (Description and Keywords).
Protected method SetupOutputCache
Sets up the output cache for this page.
Public method Static member ValidateCache
Used to hold the output cache invalidation code, if any. This HAS to be a static method - otherwise it will actually hang on to the original (and in most circumstances useless) page object for the entire duration of the cache entry lifetime, prohibiting the GC from collection it.

Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type, TypeConverter) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type, Boolean) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo(Type, TypeConverter, Boolean) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()() Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method ConvertTo<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(TypeConverter) Overloaded.
Converts a source to the given type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetCurrentStackTrace
Gets current stack trace information.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetDebugInformation
Gets the debug information for currently executing code.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetExecutingMethodName
Gets the executing method name.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetPagerTemplate
Gets pager template.
(Defined by ControlExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetPropertyType
Gets a property type.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method GetPropertyValue
Gets a property or field value from the object (Dot notation enabled).
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method PropertyExists
Check if property exists.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension Method SetPropertyValue
Sets a property or field value to the object (Dot notation enabled).
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)


  Name Description
Public field Static member _vsKey
Session expiration flag.

Note: Session[_vsKey] should contain SessionID


  Name Description
Public property Static member _googleAnalyticsScript
Gets Google Analytics Javascript that is included if account is provided in application settings - user.config file.
Public property AdminToolbarVisible
Defines if the admin toolbar is visible. Set to false when custom non-admin personalization infrastructure is to be implemented.
Public property AjaxifiedPage
Indicates if a master update panel, as defined in UpdatePanel.master, is used on a page for all users regardless of their roles. This update panel catches all postback events and is used if the page should be fully "ajaxified".
Public property AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath
Returns the AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath for a page When URL routing is used (in ASP.NET 3.5 and above), this property does not have to reflect the real page URL (when the URL is rewritten)
Public property AutoGenerateMetaKeywords
Should this page autogenerate META keywords. This is performed initially when a page does not contain any keywords, on subsequent visits the keywords are NOT rewritten.
Public property BaseSiteFullUrl
Gets site full url with machine and protocol.
Public property BaseSiteUrl
Gets site url without the machine and protocol part.
Public property CacheDependencyKeys
Cache dependency keys, separated by semicolons (;).
Public property CacheDuration
Cache duration for page output caching.
Public property ContainsTemplatedParts
Indicates if this page contains templated Web parts.
Public property CurrentLanguageId
Gets current selected language id.
Public property CurrentPersonalizationScope
Returns current personalization scope for this page.
Public property CurrentWebPartManager
Returns the active Web part manager.
Public property CustomAccessRoles
Gets or set custom access roles for current page. Custom access roles are used to explicitly pre-set the access properties on a page, particulary for the admin pages. This way it is not required from a user to set access roles on each of the pages. Access roles that are set from the page administration pane and held in the PageRoles entity collection take precedence over this property, allowing user to redefine the authorization settings and adjust them to his needs.
Public property DefaultLanguageId
Gets default language id.
Protected property DependencyInjectionFactory
Gets or sets the dependency injection factory instance.
Public property EditRoles
Array of Guids that identify the roles which are allowed to change page's appearance.
Public property EditRolesPartially
Array of Guids that identify the roles which are allowed to partially change page's appearance (for example, permissions for a single part are given). Intended to be used internally.
Public property EnableGoogleAnalytics
Gets or sets if google analytics is enabled.
Public property EnablePageOptimization
Defines if the view state optimization should be turned on or off.
Public property ForceAutoGenerateMetaKeywords
Should this page autogenerate META keywords even if they are already generated before (for pages that change frequently and contain dynamic content).
Public property HasUnapprovedChanges
Returns the approval status for this page layout and web parts.
Public property HasUnapprovedDocuments
Returns the approval status for this page's documents.
Public property IsPopup
Public property IsRevisionPage
Returns true if this page is under revision, false othervise.
Public property log
log is used for logging purposes (Errors, Warnings, Messages, etc.)
Public property MobileRedirectUrl
Redirect URL for mobile clients.
Public property MonoXDaAdapter Obsolete.
Main data access object used for data access tasks, based on the LLBLGen data adapter.
Public property OriginalException
Stores the original exception, even if it has been handled by the page and cleared. Can be used to check for the error state of a page.
Public property OutputCacheLocation
Output cache location for page output caching.
Public property PageProperties
Used for page properties retrieval - title, authorized roles, etc.
Protected property PageStatePersister
Page state presister.
(Overrides Page..::..PageStatePersister.)
Public property PersonalizeByRawUrl
Indicates if RawUrl or AbsolutePath is used as a key in the personalization tables.
Protected property RegisteredProviderModules
Gets the list of the registered provider modules.

Note: Used for Rss, Tell a Friend, etc. web controls to register them as modules that implements Rss, Tell a Friend, etc. functionality.

Public property SeoHeader
Page header for SEO operations. Handles situations when the page has a master page, as well as for "standalone" pages.
Public property SlidingExpiration
Sliding expiration for output page cache.
Public property ThemePath
Gets ASP.Net theme path.
Public property ToolboxPanel
Reference to the administrative ajax toolbox panel, used when there is a need to refresh it.
Public property VaryByContentEncoding
Vary by content encoding string for page output caching.
Public property VaryByControl
Vary by control string for page output caching.
Public property VaryByCustom
Vary by custom string for page output caching.
Public property VaryByHeader
Vary by header string for page output caching.
Public property VaryByParam
Vary by param string for page output caching.


  Name Description
Public event InitWebPartManager
Custom event that is triggered on WebPartManager initialization on the main MonoX master page. Used to avoid the problems with the initial scope that must be set very early, which is impossible to do with Master page or background execution (WebPartHelper).

See Also