Fetches the fields passed in fieldCollectionToFetch from the persistent storage using the relations and filter information stored in the passed in typed list. For TypedView filling, use the method FetchTypedView().

Namespace: MonoSoftware.LLBLGen
Assembly: MonoSoftware.LLBLGen (in MonoSoftware.LLBLGen.dll) Version: (


void FetchTypedList(
	ITypedListLgp2 typedListToFill,
	IPredicateExpression additionalFilter,
	int maxNumberOfItemsToReturn,
	ISortExpression sortClauses,
	bool allowDuplicates,
	int pageNumber,
	int pageSize
Visual Basic
Sub FetchTypedList ( 
	typedListToFill As ITypedListLgp2,
	additionalFilter As IPredicateExpression,
	maxNumberOfItemsToReturn As Integer,
	sortClauses As ISortExpression,
	allowDuplicates As Boolean,
	pageNumber As Integer,
	pageSize As Integer
Visual C++
void FetchTypedList(
	ITypedListLgp2^ typedListToFill, 
	IPredicateExpression^ additionalFilter, 
	int maxNumberOfItemsToReturn, 
	ISortExpression^ sortClauses, 
	bool allowDuplicates, 
	int pageNumber, 
	int pageSize
abstract FetchTypedList : 
        typedListToFill : ITypedListLgp2 * 
        additionalFilter : IPredicateExpression * 
        maxNumberOfItemsToReturn : int * 
        sortClauses : ISortExpression * 
        allowDuplicates : bool * 
        pageNumber : int * 
        pageSize : int -> unit 


Type: ITypedListLgp2
Typed list to fill.
Type: IPredicateExpression
An additional filter to use to filter the fetch of the typed list. If you need a more sophisticated filter approach, please use the overload which accepts an IRelationalPredicateBucket and add your filter to the bucket you receive when calling typedListToFill.GetRelationInfo().
Type: System..::..Int32
The maximum amount of rows to return. If 0, all rows matching the filter are returned
Type: ISortExpression
SortClause expression which is applied to the query executed, sorting the fetch result.
Type: System..::..Boolean
When true, it will not filter out duplicate rows, otherwise it will DISTINCT duplicate rows.
Type: System..::..Int32
the page number to retrieve. First page is 1. When set to 0, no paging logic is applied
Type: System..::..Int32
the size of the page. When set to 0, no paging logic is applied


Grabs the fields list and relations set from the typed list passed in.

See Also