The BasePart type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property BaseSiteFullUrl
Gets site full url with machine and protocol.
Public property BaseSiteUrl
Gets site url without the machine and protocol part.
Public property CacheDuration
Web part's cache time duration in seconds, if set to 0 Web part is not cached.
Public property CacheText
Text that is overlayed on the Web part when it is cached and in admin mode, informing the user on the last cache datetime etc.
Public property CatalogIconImageUrl
Catalog icon image url.
Public property ControlSpecificTemplateSubPath
Gets or sets control specific template sub path.
Public property CssClass
Web part CSS class.
Public property CurrentLanguageId
Gets currently selected language id.
Public property CurrentPagerTemplate
Gets currently selected pager template control.
Public property CurrentPagerTemplateITemplate
Gets ITemplate for currently selected pager template.
Public property CurrentTemplateHtml
Gets HTML content of the currently selected template.
Public property DefaultLanguageId
Gets default language id.
Protected property DependencyInjectionFactory
Gets or sets the dependency injection factory instance.
Public property Description
Web part description.
Public property EditRoles
Array of Guids that identify the roles which are allowed to edit this part.
Public property EditRolesString
Gets or sets edit roles string (role names separated by commas or semicolons) with the role names that are authorized to make changes on the part.
Public property FooterHtml
Holds the HTML code for the footer of the module.
Public property HeaderHtml
Holds the HTML code for the header of the module.
Public property IsEditable
Indicates if the active user can edit this Web part.
Public property IsOrphaned
Gets a value indicating whether the WebPart is orphaned.
Public property IsTemplated
Indicates if the Web part is templated.
Public property log
Log is used for logging purposes (Errors, Warnings, Messages, etc.)
Public property ParseCustomTags
List of comma separated template tags to be pre-parsed for custom tags ([tag]value[/tag]). This additional processing step can introduce unlimited number of custom tags which can be further used in the template HTML.
Public property ReloadOnAction
Property used in parts with actions (delete, add buttons, etc) that affect other parts on the same page (most notably, social networking modules). When set to true, a page reload action is performed to allow other modules to refresh their contents where ordinary postback cycle is not enough (since some events are being called too late).
Public property Subtitle
Web part subtitle (Default: String.Empty).
Public property Template
Gets or sets a part template ('Default' is default template name).
Public property TemplateCssFullVirtualPath
Gets the template css folder virtual path.
Public property TemplateFullVirtualPath
Gets template virtual path.
Public property TemplateImageFullVirtualPath
Gets the template image folder virtual path.
Public property TemplatesPath
Gets or sets yemplates path.
Public property ThemePath
Gets ASP.Net theme path.
Public property Title
Web part title.
Public property TitleIconImageUrl
Web part title icon image url.
Public property TitleUrl
Web part title Url.
Public property ValidationGroup
Gets or sets module validation group.
Protected property VelocityEngine
Gets the Velocity engine instance for the WebPart.
Public property Verbs
Implementation of the Verbs property required by the IWebActionable interface. Calls virtual ManageVerbs method that can be overridden to add custom verbs.
Public property VerbsDisplayStatus
Display status for Web part verbs.
Protected property VerbsList
Used to modify the list of verbs for the part, as WebPartVerbCollection is not modyfiable.
Public property ViewRoles
Gets or sets view roles - array with Guids of the roles that are authorized to view the part.
Public property ViewRolesString
Gets or sets view roles string (separated by commas or semicolons) with the names of roles that are authorized to view the part.
Public property Visible
Gets or sets the visibility of the part. Inherits the base functionality, and disallows the setting visibility to false in the editable admin modes (unvisible parts must still be visible in these admin modes to allow for configuration tasks).
(Overrides Control..::..Visible.)
Public property WebBrowsableObject
Gets the web browsable object.

See Also